FMA × One Piece Crossover (2)

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Title: Shadow of a Mask

After the events of the promised day, Pride is gone and Selim is living the life of an innocent and harmless child.

Selim is a normal human boy who only wants his mother's affection and admires the tiny alchemist and his brother. Someone who wants to become an Alkahestrist and State Alchemist at the same time.

Over the years he has been a normal human boy until one day.

With a gap in his memory, Selim found himself in a different world and on the doorsteps of a Warlord of the Sea Gecko Moria. Plastering the most innocent and confused lost child expression that he had, Pride cried.

Even in a different world, after years of the post-promised day, Pride held desperately on his act as a human child.

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Drama, Fanfiction, Psychological


Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, One Piece, FMA Brotherhood, Alchemy, Abilities, Post-canon, Pre-Canon, Abilities, Devil Fruit.

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