Original (2)

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Title: Reverse Traveler


Aero Chrolo Arcvian is a descendant of the last hero. Yet, he was a laughingstock in the academy and a failure. One day, all of it has changed. Aero was accused of a crime that he didn't do and was expelled in the academy. He didn't want to accept the injustice that was done to him. He didn't want to pay for the crimes that he never did. Aero decided to run away while packing his belongings and under the pursuit of the internal military force of their empire. In the end, he was force to a path of no return.

With no hope, it was either spending a lifetime in a prison or jumping into the deep abyssal chasm willingly. Yet, it was neither of the two, he was shot while falling into the abyss unwilling to accept his fate.

When Aero opened his eyes, he found himself in a world called Earth and ended up being enrolled and transferred in the same class as his Ancestor. It was all thanks to the Principal of the Academy who found him.

Genre: Fantasy, Drama, School Life, Adventure, Mystery

Tags: Time Travel, Friendship, Reverse Isekai,

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