Part 2

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"Taylor, hi" the voice she could recognize anywhere jolts her out of her thoughts. She has been spending the evening in a Manhattan club, celebrating Cara's birthday, and wishing she were anywhere else.

Her head snaps to the right, and she sees her. Karlie, dressed in a black, skin-tight dress that accentuates her impossibly long legs. Her blonde hair falls effortlessly across her shoulders in perfect waves.

Taylor's jaw hangs slightly open in shock. She hasn't seen Karlie in nearly 9 months. They had gotten into a horrible argument, one that Taylor believed they would never come back from, but now, with the vision that is Karlie standing in front of her, the details feel fuzzy and far away.

"Oh – um, hi. Hey, Karlie," she finally spits out.

"Hi," Karlie repeats, her eyes fixed on Taylor's and a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

'God, that stupid fucking stare,' Taylor thinks to herself. Karlie's magnetic gaze has always been Taylor's vice, constantly causing her heart to race and her thoughts to scatter. The crowded club seems to fade away as the two women lock eyes.

Karlie's lips curve into a tentative smile, a mixture of nervousness and familiarity. "Can we talk?" she asks, the words hanging delicately in the pulsating atmosphere of the club.

Taylor hesitates for a moment, caught off guard by Karlie's unexpected presence. She glances around at the energetic dance floor, the thumping music, and the dimly lit surroundings, contemplating whether this is the right place for a conversation that is sure to be intense.

"Talk?" Taylor repeats, her mind racing to catch up with the reality unfolding before her.

Karlie nods, her expression earnest. "Yeah, Taylor. I – I, um, I miss you."

The honesty in Karlie's voice tugs at Taylor's heart, a familiar ache resurfacing. Taylor takes a deep breath, torn between the instinct to escape and the hypnotic pull that Karlie has always held over her.

"We can go somewhere quieter? I think this place has another bar upstairs. Let me buy you a drink?" Karlie suggests, her eyes pleading for a chance to fix what has kept them apart for months.

Taylor glances around once more, before relenting. "Fine," she finally concedes, leading the way to the staircase.

As they ascend to the top floor, they enter a quiet, softly lit lounge area overlooking the bustling dance floor below. The booming music is now a distant beat, replaced by the murmur of conversations and the clinking of glasses. Taylor finds an isolated corner, settling into a plush chair that cocoons them from the outside world, whilst Karlie orders two old fashioneds from the bartender.

Karlie makes her way to Taylor, gently handing her the drink, and sits in the chair opposite of her. The air is charged with unmistakable tension as the women sit quietly, sipping their drinks. With a clearing of her throat, Taylor breaks the silence that has settled between them.

"So, what brings you here tonight?" Taylor asks, her voice casual, a thin veil masking the curiosity beneath.

Karlie sighs, her eyes never leaving Taylor's. "Cara invited me. You know, for her party. And I thought..." She trails off, uncertainty clouding her features.

Taylor raises an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in her gaze. "You thought what?"

"I thought maybe I'd see you," Karlie admits, vulnerability threading through her words.

Taylor's expression tightens, emotions flickering across her face as she leans back in her chair, her guard up. She crosses her arms over her chest and remains silent, encouraging Karlie to continue.

Fading Into Madness | Kaylor OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now