Flames of Fate

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Chapter 1

The night sky was ablaze, an inferno devouring Regina's mansion. Amidst the chaos and swirling smoke, Emma, a determined police officer, rushed into the fiery maelstrom. Guided by instinct and bravery, she navigated through the flickering flames until she found Regina, disoriented and trapped.

"Come on! We've got to get out of here!" Emma's voice cut through the roar of the fire as she lifted Regina, the weight of the older woman surprisingly light in her arms.

Regina's dark eyes met Emma's, a moment of connection sparking between them. It was a look that transcended the chaos—a silent acknowledgment that destiny had woven their fates together in the most unexpected of ways.

Outside the burning mansion, the night air was cool against their faces as Emma gently set Regina down, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Thank you," Regina whispered, her eyes still holding Emma's.

"Everyone out?" Emma asked, scanning the scene for any sign of lingering danger.

Regina nodded, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over her features. "I don't know how to repay you."

Emma's lips curved into a wry smile. "Well, let's start with making sure you're okay."

As the firefighters worked tirelessly to control the blaze, Emma guided Regina away from the chaos to a safer distance. They found a quiet spot away from the flickering flames, the orange glow casting an ethereal hue on their faces.

Regina, still processing the events, finally spoke. "I don't even know your name."

"Emma Swan," she replied, offering a hand. "And you're...?"

"Regina Mills," she answered, shaking Emma's hand. "Mayor Regina Mills."

Emma arched an eyebrow. "Mayor? Well, that explains the fancy mansion."

Regina chuckled softly, the tension of the night momentarily lifting. "What brings a police officer to a burning mansion in the middle of the night, Officer Swan?"

"Just doing my job," Emma replied, her gaze lingering on Regina. "Saving people is what I signed up for."

Their eyes locked again, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Regina, grateful for her savior, felt a warmth growing in her chest—a warmth that extended beyond the residual heat of the fire.

As the night unfolded, Emma stayed by Regina's side, a silent guardian amidst the remnants of the blaze. Conversations shifted from the traumatic events to more lighthearted topics, a camaraderie forming between them that hinted at the potential for something more.

Little did they know that the flames that had nearly consumed Regina's mansion were only the beginning—the kindling of a connection that would burn brightly in the chapters yet to unfold.

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