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Under the darkness of the ocean lies two Paradoxides siblings, the free-spirited EDA and the dissatisfied EDMUND. Upon searching for days, they finally find food: algae.

EDA: Jackpot!

Eda eats whilst Edmund doesn't move.

EDA: What are you waiting for?

EDMUND: Look at us, insignificant little pests crawling through an empty void, scavenging off goo. Is this all there is for us?

EDA: Lighten up, Eddy and accept where you are for once. If not, hey, more for me.

Eda resumes eating.

EDMUND: Existence is pain.

A silhouette emerges from the horizon; Anomalocaris, Paradoxides' natural predator.

EDA: Shit!

Eda flees as Edmund sits despondent; his eyes closed.

EDA: Eddy, we gotta go!

The monster descends on Edmund, its tendrils writhing.

EDMUND: I think I'm done, man. I'll catch you later.

Too far away to help, Eda braces for her brother's end. Laughter echoes abruptly as the Anomalocaris' head rotates 360 degrees before imploding into a bloody mess.

EDMUND: That was... unexpected.

???: I believe you aren't happy, children. The solution is before you.

A feminine, green humanoid crawls from out the corpse.

???: MOTHER NATURE is here!

The corpse explodes into green fireworks.

EDMUND: ... It's official, I've gone completely insane.

The Trilobites back away from Nature intrepidly.

EDA: W-what are you?

EDMUND: I believe she called herself, "the solution".

NATURE: To your sadness! I'll give you guys five life resets. Five chances to find a life where you're both happy.

A red reset button floats down before the siblings.

EDA (WHISPERING): Five? It's usually three.

NATURE: Just wish for what you desire and press the button. One condition – you can only move forward through time. It makes it more interesting for us.

EDA: Us?

Nature stares at the screen.

NATURE: Don't worry about it.

Eda turns to Edmund.

EDA: We need to talk ab-

Edmund runs to the button and presses it. The Paradoxides dissipate in a flash of emerald light.


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