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Edmund and Eda appear atop a cracked plateau, now Scutosaurus'.

EDA: So, t-this is the end?

The reset button's remains slip from Eda's paw into a fissure, erupting into Nature in a column of emerald flames.

NATURE: Actually, it's over there.

Nature points to the ash-spewing volcanoes ahead. Eda turns to Nature.

EDA: C-can we-Nature nods.

EDMUND: Thank you...

The siblings head for the volcanoes, leaving Nature behind. Dissolve into their arrival at an outlook overseeing the Paleo-Tethys.


A silhouette emerges from the horizon; INOSTRANCEVIA, Scutosaurus' natural predator. The monster approaches, having finally found food upon searching for days. Edmund moves to guard his sister as the monster leaps. Edmund winces as claws dig into his back. Grunting, Edmund throws the starving animal to the ground. The monster gasps as Edmund's foot presses down on its chest. Edmund stares blankly at the blood pooling from his victim's mouth. Sighing, he releases his foot. The Inostravcevia tries to stand, only to be knocked down by Eda from behind. The Inostrancevia collapses after attempting to stand again.

INOSTRANCEVIA: I don't understand! I wake up one and the sky's black, breathing hurts, and my family...

The Inostranvcevia puts his paws in his face.

INOSTRANCEVIA: I'm not supposed to feel anything. But I do! I feel-

EDMUND: -Afraid of not being in control, like you're tiny and insignificant...

The Inostrancevia peers curiously at Edmund.

EDMUND: I've been there, buddy... I wasted most of my life feeling the same way.

Edmund gestures to the crimson sky.

Edmund: ...Accept where you are.

The Inostrancevia nods faintly, staring down and quivering. Dissolve into the siblings sitting by ocean minute later, the Inostrancevia sitting near them. Edmund tremors as Eda slumps over, her eyes closed. A trilobite, Pseudophillipsia climbs out the ocean before him. Exhaling, Edmund pets the little creature. Earth rumbles. Smoke billows from the volcanoes, smothering everyone in death.


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