chapter 29

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Naya's POV

Naya was left in a state of shock and confusion after what had happened. She felt a mix of emotions - embarrassment, guilt, but also a strange sense of satisfaction. She couldn't believe what she had allowed to happen, and yet, she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it. She felt small and vulnerable, but at the same time, she also felt a strange sense of empowerment. She was torn between regret and desire, between what she knew was right and what she felt was wrong. But one thing was clear - she would never be the same again.

Naya felt a whirlwind of emotions. She was overwhelmed by the intense pleasure that she had never experienced before. She was surprised, shocked even, at how much she enjoyed his touch. It was a mix of guilt, confusion, and a strange sense of satisfaction. She was torn between the pleasure she was feeling and the guilt of enjoying such an intimate act. Despite the confusion, one thing was clear to her - she had never felt anything like this before. It was a new, exhilarating, and somewhat frightening experience for her.

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