All tunels has light.

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"YOU DID WHAT? FOR WHAT? WHAT DID THEY GIVE YOU BACK!?" I repeated. I felt like someone sucked my soul. "I know the train controller said in Niera we have no rules but she thought that everyone KNEW THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE A DEAL WITH THE GODS UNLESS IT'S FOOD! " I yelled and didnt know what to say. They could find her could they. What if they are coming? Who can hide us? "Relax. I made a deal that if them changes my power I stay at allnighter and halfdayer. I don't really mind that but my power was SLEEPING and I wanted to experience how it is to not sleep. They changed my power to have temperature powers. Like my cousin. I think it's cool that I can make it cold and hot, things and air. Everything." She proudly said. "Oh no. THIS IS BAD. We have to get to the gods and go even higher to lose the contract. " I asked her how did she get there and she just replied whit a why are you worried. I didnt reply but I knew that this isn't gonna work out with her. We went to our room and she went to watch the birds outside the window. I sat down on the table and stared at her. Then I got an idea and I rushed to the table and started working on a plan. How to get the gods to work with us and break the promises. First I need all the gods but for that we have to go to the room 666 for answers of gods. There where thousands of them, all the powers but I needed only 7 of them. I don't know whitch ones but I know how to ask for them. 7 gods of temperatures and sleep contract breakers promise healers names of Lilith kids. Lilith was the mother of 5 of the kids but the rest 2 was only to be found out. They live far away but I think we can make it. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Hello? Is someone in this room? I heard you get the answers of rooms here!" The uninvited guest said. I opened the door. "No, it's at room G821, " I sighed "but everyone always mistakes us so don't be ashamed. We give answers of gender of Niera. Dumb but that's how it is. We should go to the room giver and ask what the hell have they mistaken. Good luck!" I slammed the door not even being angry at the people that ask but the room giver. I called him multiple times but no answer was given. I got even angrier and threw the phone hardly it smacking to the wall. It shatherd and we heard the sound. It was so unlikely. "WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE REAL WROLD. I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE." I yelled. "The room giver is in Niera darling." She smirked "I know. I AIN'T DUMB 'DARLING' SO I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE!" I got even angrier and stumped to the bathroom for a gun. I started shooting out the window and screening histericly. I didn't really support harm and all that stuff but j have anger issues and boosts that just makes me do them. We went to the station in red velvet boots and soft coats. They were blue but I also had a hat that said- do not talk. My ears hurt.  We waited and waited and then I bursted out in laughter. "Ahahahahah. Where is the FRIKIN train? Come on. We are gonna go into the tunnel and find it! We ain't gonna die you lil sceardy cat! Wait! Don't talk my ears hurt okay?" I smiled at my best friend and she freaked out. As we went further into the tunnel it got darker.
*speed up story (it's gonna replay on another part) *
We thoght we could escape it but I saw light.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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