Cafe Dreams

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The alarm rings, waking up SMG4 from his deep slumber, with a groan he smacks around the side table till he finally hits the alarm. He yawns and stretches, still feeling drained as he walks to the bathroom of his newly built castle. He was still getting used to having a place to call his own, it was nice and the perfect place for making videos without interruptions.

Though he still felt guilty over how he ended up in his current residents, no matter how hard he tries to look at the positives. For example, his rival of several years finally became his friend. He brushes his teeth then splashes water on his face to wake up, he really needed to stop staying up so late editing videos.

As he walks back into the main hall he hears the front doors get kicked in, there was his rival and friend SMG3 charging in with a huge smile. He blinked when Three flashed an envelope at him "Oi! You know that cafe I have been saving up for? Well you're invited to the grand opening tonight!"

Four takes the envelope and opens it "Wow! This is amazing Three, i didnt even think you could make coffee."

SMG3 glares at the man before noticing that Four was still in his pajamas, not to mention his hair was still a mess. He sighs and crosses his arms "It's one in the afternoon Four, don't tell me you just woke up." SMG4 gives the other man a sheepish smile as he puts the invite away "I might have stayed up a little too late..."

SMG3 rolled his eyes then started walking to the kitchen, curious Four followed to see what he was up to. He sits on the counter as he watches Three grab a bag of coffee beans "Watch and learn scrub as i show you how good my coffee is!"

Four smirks and crosses his arms "You sure you can make that good of coffee? I have you know as a coffee drinker myself it actually requires a very high IQ and a level of artistry-" before he can finish his sentence SMG3 throws a roll of paper towels at him to shut him up.

Pleased that the towels shut the man up he turns to go back to making coffee, of course he was making the coffee to show he had running a cafe in the bag and not because of how drained SMG4 looked. Four glares at Three for the sudden attack in the middle of his sentence only to then end up staring in awe of the cup of coffee Three sets in front of him. He picks up the cup and hums at the smell of the fresh brew, he takes a sip and notices the smug look on SMG3.

SMG4 turns and takes another sip. "Meh, it's not bad, maybe you can run a cafe."

Three nods with a huge grin on his face "Guess that means I have that high IQ you were blabbing about earlier." Four rolls his eyes and puts his cup down "Now now i didn't say you did just said you might be able to run a cafe," before the two men could start arguing they hear the front door open. Three takes out more invites and walks out of the kitchen, once the man is gone Four looks at the coffee and smiles softly "He is even a tsundere when making coffee."

Finishing the drink he walks out of the kitchen to see the crew congratulating Three on the opening of his cafe. Mario grabs the invite and starts chanting "Spagetti spaghetti!" SMG3 sighs trying to get the plumber to calm down "Mario it's a cafe, We don't serve spaghetti!"

The words only made things worse as Mario's demands got louder to the point that Three gave up "Okay yes spaghetti just for you so don't set anything on fire when you get there tonight." Meggy pats Three's back "Don't worry Three i will watch over Mario!"

Four chuckles seeing the group being rowdy, he could only picture how the trip to Three's cafe will be like.

SMG3 says his goodbyes as he heads off to his cafe, everything was going to plan he had employees at the ready plus his new friends were invited. Nothing could ruin the day for him, he makes it home and takes the elevator to his room. He removes his hat revealing his hair in a bun before setting his long hair loose. He sits on his bed and starts writing in his notebook, he couldn't hold back his excitement at finally opening his cafe. Eggdog seeing his father home hops on the bed and snuggles up to him, Three smiles softly as he pets the pup.

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