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CopyWrite Statment

All Rights Reserved

All chapters of this story including Prolouge and epilogue and all associated content is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1998. All rights are reserved by the creator and owner of these works. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works consistutes as a infringement of copywrite and is punishable by law.

Use of characters for imagines, fan fictions etc. needs to be promoted by the owner of this work. If not granted permission, the infringer can be fined heavily (aprox. 250,000) and can even go to jail

Copywrite Callie Meyer © 2015

I walked down the street Et spiritum meum in pace requiescant i mumbled to myself which means rest in peace my spirit. To night hunters it is a way of saying goodbye to our fallen brothers or sisters and to let their spirits rest. I walked down the street to mine and my brother's house they knew where we were I couldn't stay any longer if I did it would mean death.

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