Chapter 4 - Programs and Dinner

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Late Evening - Blu's House

"Blu Conners and Zi Sequl, get out here for pizza!"



Zi sprang up and jogged out of the room at the mention of pizza from Blu's dad, Blu following close behind while wondering why they were called by their full names as they went over to the kitchen that had 2 pizza boxes. One was pepperoni and bacon, which was Blu's favorite, and one was cheese, Zi's favorite.

They both got plates and took a few slices from their respective pizzas, sitting down at the dining table. Zi immediately started eating her slice much to Blu's amusement as she immediately put down the burning hot pizza and jerkily dropped it back on her plate.

"Hot- hot hot hot, ow~" Zi notices Blu's amusement and elbows them in the side, earning an annoyed "Hey!" from them as she went back to eating her pizza that was luckily now not burning hot but much cooler. They also started eating their slice which had cooled during the shenanigans.

Now this is starting to feel like a normal sleepover..


Late Evening?

The ??-???????

"Kid, what are you doing?" someone called from behind them. They didn't answer, crouching and looking down at the strange object in their stick-nub hands.

It seemed to be some kind of device of some sort,a metal sphere that had a reflective panel or screen at the top. Or maybe it was some kind of sensor? They put their hand(?) on the mysterious panel, feeling it vibrate for a moment before stopping. They turn it around in their hands(?), seeing no change in the surface.

"????." They turn at the sound of their name, looking up at the older, maroon colored stick figure that, judging on their body language, seemed a little annoyed with their previous ignorance to them.

"I found a thing." They hold up the weird metal-device-sphere thing, which the other stick took and gestured for them to follow them back to the others.

With one last look at the misty distance, they started walking back to camp.

Late Evening - Blu's House

When the two were finished with their dinner they quickly went back to Blu's room and back to their individual parts of the project, clicking and tapping on Blu's computer and Zi's stylus filling the room as they worked.

"This look good?" Zi showed the design for the sprite to Blu with a questioning grin, turning up the brightness so they could actually see it. The design was pretty simple but creative, just a pastel purple stick with line eyes and small smile, and it seemed to be wearing a simple white sweater with white outlines and were in a simple standing position.

"That's a pretty okay design." They say, earning a "Yay!" from the artist as she puts down her tablet and throws her hands in the air happily. Blu was the kind of person to be hard to get a good response out of a lot of times, and even just saying it's okay is a victory for Zi.

"Alright then, let's download the sprite onto CodeX." Zi nodded, saving the art into a new file that she titled 'Ezra'. She sent the file to Blu's computer after copying it for themselves.

"What's with the file name?" Blu asks when they get the notification that they had something in their inbox and opened it.

"Thought it would be a cool name for the little stick." She replies, shrugging.

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