Kill yourself Millie

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You're not gonna get far running away from them. They can and will catch up. Why are you even trying?

Millie was sitting all alone in her bed. She was always alone. She was alone with or without people. At the same time, she was actually never alone. Those voices. Why wouldn't they just leave her alone? What had she done to deserve that? Maybe everyone was right. Millie was a total fucking freak.

She stared into the mirror, looking for every single wrong thing with her. Body, fat. Nose, crooked. Black heads, a lot. Jawline, non-existent. Eyes, just a bit too down-turned. Everything was wrong with her, really. Millie put on her make-up. Without make-up, she couldn't hide anything. Like yes, she was still disgusting with it on, but without? She could never be seen like that. When make-up was done and her face almost looked kind of decent, it was time to cover up her body. Everything was baggy just to cover up absolutely everything. Millie was a fucking pig.

Okay, then it was time for breakfast, which Millie absolutely didn't want to eat. But when you have no one else than those fucking voices in your head, you can alwas turn to food. Food is bullshit. Only makes you fat, but whatever. She ate a cheese toast with extra cheese just to make her even fatter. But why did it matter trying to be skinny now? She had already gone too far. Just one more meal can't hurt, right? Millie should've just eaten herself at that point.

Millie grabbed her favorite things in the world, her phone, her perfume, her lipgloss, her mascara, her concealer and her razor blade in her handbag. Once she was all prepped, she put on her shoes and ran to the bus. She almost missed the bus and was all breathless. As she stepped on the bus and walked to a seat, the voices came again. "Maybe you wouldn't be out of breath if you just exercised. "You are so embarrassing. You should kill yourself already. "Everyone's staring at you. You know why? Cause you're fucking disgusting." Wouldn't those voices ever go away? Millie really was embarrassing.

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