The end?

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Once Millie got home from school, she
was going to eat some healthy snack.
The healthy snack just ended up being
ice cream cause she had no courage to
make anything else. Maybe it was
time to throw it up? She went to the
toilet and really tried to make herself
throw up, but she just couldn't. Again,
she was just a coward.

Millie then went to her room and laid
down on her bed. She took out
her blade and rolled her sleeve up
Millie then dragged the blade over her
skin for every single thing she had
done wrong for the day. She got quite
a few cuts, but she deserved them all.

She fell asleep at about 3 AM. There
were no real consequences except for
needing to rush to the bus the next
morning. As usual, she overslept and
had to quickly get ready and run to
the bus. Getting ready was really just
putting on a hoodie and grabbing her
phone. Usually, it also meant to take
her bag with her but that morning,
she forgot it. There was no time to run
back to the house, though.

When school ended and Millie came home, she walked into her room like any other day. What she didn't expect was to see her mother standing in there with Millie's blade in her hand. Millie just screamed at her mother to not snoop around in her room. Her mother started screaming at Millie but eventually went out of her room.

Millie started crying. Soon, her
sleeves were rolled up, and another
blade was in her hand. That blade
was sharper than the one she usually
used. She knew that her mother
would tell her whole family, and
Millie just really didn't want to live
through that. Her whole family
pretening to care. Or maybe they
wouldn't even pretend to care. That
would not be nice to live through either.

Maybe right there and then was the
time for her to finally die. Millie
dragged the blade against her skin. It
was not deep. One more cut, a bit
deeper. Still not deep enough.
Another cut, even deeper. Finally, she
made one last deep cut and saw blood
flow out of her arm as she began to
feel lightheaded and passed out.

Millie's mother came into her room, still mad, but not as mad as when she left it. She had taken Millie's dad with her too. Nothing could have ever prepared her for the sight of her daughter with deep, deep cuts into her arm while being passed out. Her mother stared at Millie in udder shock and as her dad called an ambulance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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