Chapter 12: Promise Me

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Lonely Like A Bunny 2


Chapter 12: Promise Me

Lan Zhan walked in front of Wei Ying as he led him outside. Wei Ying was focusing hard not to stumble on his feet as he tried to keep up with Wangji.

He could feel the tension on Lan Zhan's body and he could feel the hostility coming off from him, it was almost palpable in the air around them. And though Wei Ying knew well that it wasn't directed at him in the slightest it still made him anxious and he felt like he was walking on eggshells. He wanted to alleviate and lighten up the mood a bit but he didn't know what to say.

He knew Lan Zhan had a strong and serious personality, which was why no one dared to mess with him. But that was a side that had never been shown to Wei Ying, to him, Lan Zhan had always been the most caring and warm person. Lan Zhan had never raised his voice at him nor had he looked at him with such frosty eyes. Even when he had angered him, his eyes always looked at him with warmth. So this Lan Zhan was something unknown to him as well, he didn't know how to deal with him.

He had to remind himself that Lan Zhan had behaved that way towards his uncle and the two strangers he called over, not him. He was annoyed at them, not him. And he did to protect and defend him.

He looked down at the hand that was steadily guiding the way for him and he noticed that he was being careful not to hold onto him to tightly, he could feel the softness of Lan Zhan's palm tenderly resting against his and a soft warm was transmitted onto him, leaving his fingertips tingling with warmth. Wei Ying smiled as he softly squeezed Lan Zhan's hand. Through that small gesture Wei Ying was trying to let him know he was there for him and that everything would be alright.

Wangji seemed to understand exactly what he meant because as soon as he felt the squeeze on his hand his shoulders relaxed a bit and the tense air around him dissipated a bit, he lowered his pace as he turned his head as he nodded slowly and gave a soft smile to Wei Ying.

Seeing he managed to lighten up his mood a bit, Wei Ying found some confidence to crack a joke in hopes of completely dispersing the tension surrounding them.

"For a moment there I thought you were about to propose." He said lightly with a laugh.

Lan Zhan stopped abruptly and his brow furrowed as he looked at him seriously. Wei Ying felt had just stepped on a landmine and instantly regretted his stupid joke.

"I considered it." Lan Zhan admitted, " But it wasn't an appropriate moment and I didnt think it was worth ruining such an occasion just to get back at them. Besides that is between me and you, outsiders don't have anything to do with that. When I do it, it needs to be a perfect time and occasion. "

Wei Ying was left speechless once more. The way Lan Zhan spoke with so much confidence was too much for him to handle. His mind was spinning around with a thousand thoughts.

"Lan Zhan you─" He tried to come up with something but found no words to say, instead, his face turned bright red and he had to look away to hide his embarrassment.

"Let's get out of here." Lan Zhan said instead, his eyes fixed on him as he innocently tugged at his arm.

Wei Ying let out a sigh as he shook his head and smiled.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked softly.

"Let's go there." Lan Zhan replied as he added in a quiet voice, "It's been a while since we've been there."

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