Space-bound Gamers Teaser

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Niko POV

I was staring at empty space, waiting patiently for a moment, before trumpets blasted into my ears.

I shouted, covering my ears, then I groaned when I realized what was happening. In bright, bold yellow text, was the opening crawl to the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire came the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Council refused to move against the Mandalorians who ravaged the galaxy supposedly in search of honor, led by Mandalore the Ultimate.

In the following years, one Jedi spoke out, and began to act. The Jedi's name is Revan.

He led the Jedi to war with the Mandalorians, and fought using never-before-seen strategy and genius. He lured them to a planet called Malachor V, where a machine had been activated to exterminate all Mandalorians present, and defeated Mandalore the Ultimate before allowing for the machine to activate.

With the Mandalorian threat gone, Revan could not return to the Jedi for fear of exile. He retreated with his ally, Malak, in search of what he believed to be the true threat, who had motivated Mandalore to begin his crusade against the galaxy.

He returned with Malak changed. They had become Sith Lords. Revan had gathered his forces from the Mandalorian Wars, convinced them to join his side, and led them to begin ravaging the galaxy as well, this time with seemingly limitless resources.

After treading through the horrors of the Percy Jackson universe, Nikomedes descends through the skies of the grasslands of the Outer Rim planet of Telos, plummeting to what may be his demise...

"What!" I demanded, before a gust of wind caught me, and I was flung away, the crawl becoming a dot on the horizon, or whatever equivalent to the horizon the void has.

Cyrus POV

I felt nothing but fear while I hovered without form in the void once again.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been floating there for. A day? An hour? A year? It didn't feel that long, but I knew time was different in the void.

I was broken from my thoughts when familiar music began to blast in my ears.

"You're absolutely fucking kidding me." I giggled.

I was going insane. I had to be.

There was absolutely no way luck played out to where I landed in the one universe where I would thrive the most. I began laughing hysterically when the opening crawl began.

I already knew all of it, so as soon as I saw the words Four thousand years ago, I began taking in the hilarity of this instead of reading. I knew where and when I was being placed. Shortly after the Mandalorian Wars, likely in a plot-relevant location.

So when I saw the dark planet of Nar Shaddaa below me, I immediately began panicking. What the hell was I gonna do?

I should've read the opening crawl.


That'll be that for the teaser! I won't be posting anything for this story until I finish GoO and TEGR, but I figured you guys can get a small taste.

I hope you guys have a great day/afternoon/evening/night, wherever and whenever you may be reading this! Have a happy holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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