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Even when everyone is surrounding me,

I still feel this kind of emptiness inside of me.

A void that only he can fill.

A sadness that only he can appease.

That's when I remember,


His eyes,

two celestial spheres,

earth brown.

Eclipsing me from the burning light of people's cruelty.

The sun around which my entire universe orbits.

His glow pushing and pulling, illuminating my path.

Keeping me floating in a galaxy of endless serenity.

His scent,

A smoky, pine wisp.

A cottage behind a waterfall.

Water splashes meeting embers.

Oud and leather.

Leaving its trace on my skin.

His voice,

Waves crashing against a cliffside.

Carving rocks beneath his indominable force,

sending tremors throughout the earth,

but a soothing whisper if you listen closely.

Blessing my drought with rainfall.

Twilight after a long night.

His touch,

as fleeting as a passing breeze.

The sun on a cloudy day,

its reflection illuminates a meadow.

A divine caress igniting flames of desire.

A revival. 

                                                                                                                                     wrote this with the closest person to my heart, forever grateful for u.

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