An arisen phoenix

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An indescribable feeling to have,

A wonderful thing to experience,

To feel,

To conquer,

To finally discover the way to overcome,

To learn to give away,

To acknowledge the fact that he is no longer a part of my life.

I thought that I'd never be able to return to the self I had before him.

To flare my wings again.

I thought that I would eternally be tied to the past.

Shackled to it with unbreakable chains

forever doomed.

Forgetting how to live again,

how to breathe.

It wasn't easy at first,

nothing ever is.

But time heals all wounds.

I believed this eventually.

Memories that used to drag me down to the darkest dungeons,

are now able to raise me from the ashes,

a phoenix revived.

I laugh at how naïve I was,

I finally learnt to let go.

To let go of that one person that hurt me all over again.

The person that kept on disappointing me,

when I knew I deserved better.

To finally release the sigh I had been holding on to,

I was able to ease the tightness in my chest.

I felt alive,

I survived.

I forgot how peaceful it was to wake up to birdsong,

content to lay alone in my warm sheets.

I forgot how peaceful it was to wake up to my mom's voice calling me,

taking care of me.

I forgot how peaceful it was to watch my dad tend to his garden,

making meals to replenish body and soul.

I forgot how peaceful it was to have my grandma at my side,

her wise words ringing in my head.

I forgot how peaceful it was to have my grandpa teasing me,

urging me to smile when I wasn't feeling it.

I forgot how loved I was by everyone around me.

I forgot how much I cherished them.

I forgot how much they motivated me to become the best version of myself.

I forgot how I loved every façade of my life.

The worst and the best.

Thanks to him, I began appreciating the little things,

life's blessings.

Thanks to him, I saw life from a new perspective.

A new angle that I never believed existed.

A new turn that made me realize everything was possible.

Thanks to him, I believed that pain is life's greatest mentor.

To understand that pain is a part of life.

An essential part.

And not experiencing it meant your life was incomplete.

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