Save Me (SasuSaku)

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"S-stop, p-please...."

She is scared.

"Why should I treat the one who killed my wife with care?"

She is sad.


She is broken.



"Hey Sakura-chan!" A loud-mouthed Naruto claps his hand on her back roughly, not noticing her flinch of pain.

"Hey Naruto..." Her voice is softer than last time they met up.

It doesn't have a hint of confidence in it.

"Sakura, you wanna meet up with me and Sasuke-teme later at Ichiraku?"

Fear shots through her spine as she remembers the last time she was late to get home.


"Better yet, how 'bout we go now?!"

She nods, unable to fight back or speak her mind.



"Hey Sakura-chan, are you ok? You've been really pale lately, an you haven't been talking as much. Your getting thinner too!"

"I-it's nothing Naruto. R-really! I-I'm... fine...."

A certain Sasuke Uchiha narrows his eyes at her obvious lie.

"Oh wow, look at the sunset!"

Terror races through Sakura like a bullet.

"Umm.... I need to get home now..."

"Sakura, it's getting late... I don't think it's safe for you to go back to your house alone."

The raven haired Uchiha survivor speaks.

He can see the dread and terror pooling in her once fearless emerald eyes.


Save Me (SasuSaku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora