Chapter 4

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3rd person

She sighed in relief once she'd successfully navigated her way through the woods and escaped the grounds of Wammies.
One thing the young girl had forgotten to plan though, was transport to the airport.
"Oh for fucks sake.."
She muttered under her breath. Thankfully after a little googling, she discovered a nearby bus stop where she could catch a ride.

The wait for the bus felt much longer than it actually was. A few late-night drivers threw her odd looks as it was cold enough for her breath to be visible and she was not dressed properly for the weather.

The journey there wasn't too bad- only an hour. With music and a few phone games, the time flew. The drive wasn't very scenic, only residential roads filled with copy-and-paste houses or store-filled streets could be seen. Hopefully, Tokyo would be a nice change of scenery from the gloomy dingy streets in England.

Before Luna knew it they had reached the airport. It's time.

She exited the bus, making sure to thank the driver. Beads of sweat slowly formed on her forehead as she made her way to the airport check-in. She scanned the desks and spotted a worker who looked tired and ready to end her shift. Hopefully, the lady would scan over her false documents and not take much care in doing a thorough search.

She made her way over to the desk and handed over her false documents stating an alias and false birthdate. The lady took a glance at Luna and then skimmed over the documents before nodding and putting a tag on the suitcase.

"Place your suitcase on the conveyor please and then I'll give you your tickets so you can go through security."
The women spoke in a tired and dull tone. Once Luna had placed the suitcase on the conveyor, her documents and plane ticket were handed to her.

That wasn't too hard.

She sighed in relief and looked for a sign that pointed her in the direction of security.
The security process was quick and once they had deemed her clear, they waved her on. Now all that was left was to board the plane.

There were 2 more hours until the plane to Tokyo was due to board so she found a row of empty seats, laying down for a nap. The cold metal didn't provide the best comfort but she eventually drifted off into a light slumber.


"Bzzzt.. Can all passengers for flight 253B please make their way to the desk. We are now boarding."

The loud buzz of the intercom brought Luna back to consciousness. She stood up with her rucksack and made her way over. It took a while for the line to cut down. Once she reached the front she showed her ticket to the lady at the desk and then made her way down the tunnel. It didn't look like a busy flight.

Once she found her seat, she buckled herself in and adjusted her seat so she was leaning back. It was a long flight and she didn't plan on being awake for it. She'd set up with her earphones, taking care to put her phone on aeroplane mode before she drifted back off into the world of slumber.


Luna's POV

I'd finally reached Tokyo and was in the taxi to my hotel. Honestly, I'd been rather nervous in the airport before boarding but I'm so glad it was successful.

Tokyo was extremely different to England but it was a nice change of scenery. The streets bustled with life and large buildings dotted the streets with bright and colourful billboards. Thousands of people flooded the streets, many wearing face coverings. 

During my wait for the taxi, I'd heard quite a few locals conversing about this Kira. I'd tried to listen in but due to the noise levels, it was hard. Once I'm at the hotel I'll have to do some research on it, and L. I need to find out his involvement in this. Whatever it is- it's important. L rarely takes on cases unless they're complex and he's taken an interest.

The drive to the hotel was fairly quick and I passed the time with small talk. The taxi driver was surprised by my linguistic skills. During my time at Wammies before the Deathnote came into my life, whenever I wasn't with L I spent my time studying various subjects, including languages. 

Once we arrived at the hotel I thanked the driver and handed him a tip, heading inside.
Checking in was rather difficult as the receptionist found me suspicious but I managed to eventually check in after telling her I was a foreign student travelling to Japan on scholarship.

My room ended up being bigger than I thought. A kingsized bed was centred against the back wall. There was a large flatscreen TV and a simple desk. A basic kitchenette was attached which I was thankful for. The bathroom was decorated with marble counters and a large waterfall shower.

I began to unpack my belongings, folding up all my clothes and storing them in the closet. Tomorrow I would need to head out to a local grocery store but for now, I had a lot of research to do.
I took my laptop and the deathnote and plopped down on the bed, logging in and pulling up the search engine. It didn't take long before a flood of websites of this 'Kira' showed up. Going by all the forums and news articles, Kira was an anonymous person who was suspected to be behind the sudden rise in criminal deaths. The population seemed to be torn between supporting Kira, deeming them as a god, and the other half screaming that Kira was wrong.

What confused me though, is why L took this case. So far it just looked like a murder case of someone trying to purge the wrongdoers. What's so special about it?

I sighed and swapped to a desktop application I made that allowed me to search multiple databases to gain information. It took a while, once again having to break past firewalls and encryptions but I soon managed to find the hotel L was staying at. I browsed a little more but couldn't find any case notes yet. Was he working on the case or just there to observe? 

"Hello, Luna!" 
Kiri's voice rang out from behind me, causing me to whip my head around. The large shinigami stood behind me with a crooked grin on his face.
"Kiri! Welcome back! I found out the hotel L is staying at but I couldn't find anything about the case so I'm not sure if he's working on it or not. Though I did some research on this Kira person and I'm intrigued."
I was met with a chuckle from Kiri. 
"Congratulations on making it all this way. The whole Kira situation is rather interesting, isn't it? Why don't you turn on the news?"
I tilted my head in confusion. One thing I learned about shinigami from Kiri is they can't tell us certain things. However, Kiri would usually find his own way of hinting.

I reached over for the TV remote and clicked the power button, scrolling to the news channel. On the screen was a man with a placard in front of him stating his name was Lind L. Taylor. The idiot on the screen performed a speech about how Kira was wrong and he would find and put a stop to his spree. What irked me was the man claimed to be the great detective, L.

That isn't L! Is this part of a plan L is making? My train of thought came to a halt as the man suddenly clutched his chest, his face straining before he flopped forward. Now lifeless on the table. A wave of realisation hit me and I looked at Kiri.

"Kira is using a Deathnote. Now I understand."
Kiri didn't respond but instead gestured over to the TV. I turned my head back towards it to see the screen change to the letter L. L's classic screen. His voice changer I'd heard many times came flooding through the speakers.

"I had to test this just in case but I- I never thought it would actually happen. Kira- It appears you can kill people without actually being there in person. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just witnessed it. Listen to me, Kira. If you did indeed kill Lind L. Taylor, the man you just saw die on television- I should tell you that he was an inmate, his execution scheduled for today. That was not me."

My eyes widened before I smirked. Of course, L would think of a stunt like this. From what I'd read during my research, Kira had similar ideas to me except he was a lot more egotistical and actually believed he could start a new world with no evil.
I liked Kira's plans but L's little stunt was rather funny

"The police arrested him in absolute secrecy so you wouldn't have heard about him on TV or through the internet. It appears that not even you have access to information about these types of criminals. But I assure you L is real. I do exist. Now, try to kill me! What's wrong? Come on! Right now. Kill me! Can't you do it?" 

L's voice taunted this Kira through the screen. I could imagine Kira in their room, raging at their television.

"Well, Kira. It seems that you can't kill me after all. So there are some people you can't kill. You've given me a useful hint~ Let me return the favour. I'll tell you something that I think you'll find interesting. Although this was announced as a worldwide broadcast, the truth is we are only broadcasting in the Kanto region of Japan. I had planned to broadcast this message around the world until we found you-"

I began to chuckle. Kira had really dug themselves into a hole. Now L knows where you are, Kira.

"But it looks like that won't be necessary. I now know where you are. The police treated your first killing as an unrelated incident. But in actuality, the first of your killings was a suspect in Shinjuku. Of all the criminals that have recently died of heart attacks, this one's crime was by far the least serious. Furthermore, this crime was only ever reported inside Japan. I used that information to deduce this much. You are in Japan, and your first victim was little more than an experiment. Which means that you hadn't been killing for very long. We decided to broadcast in Kanto first because of its large population, and luckily we found you! To be completely honest with you, I never expected things would go this well. But it won't be too long now before I am able to sentence you to death. Naturally, I'm very interested in knowing how you're able to commit these murders without being present. But I don't mind waiting a little bit longer. You can answer all of my questions when I catch you. Let's meet again soon, Kira."

And with that the broadcast ended. Kiri was on his back, chuckling away—typical L to put on a show like that. If I want to continue using the deathnote to kill the wrong, I'm going to have to follow Kira's pattern to stay under L's radar. This is going to be a fun game. Dangerous- but fun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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