Chapter 3

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~this chapter is written in 3rd person~

Since Luna had stumbled across the Deathnote, her life had changed.
Her semi-daily visits to L's room had grown less and less frequent until she only saw him once a month. That once a month would be the only time she left her room. L would be kind enough to bring her meals and leave them outside of her door.

He had grown concerned for the younger girl. From the outside, she had become more withdrawn than ever and seemed to be struggling. He would often hear her talking away to herself in her room as if she was hallucinating or having a conversation with an imaginary friend.
He knew how much the psychiatric ward had damaged her so he never expressed his concerns to Watari or Roger. He doubted she'd forgive him if she was sent away again.

He never pressed her to leave her room or bothered her with his worries. He wasn't very sociable himself so he thought he couldn't say anything and he didn't want the girl to feel like he was judging her or spying on her, so, against his better judgement, he left her to it.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Luna was flourishing. Sort of.
She had spent the past months deciding how to use the Deathnote and picking her victims. Most of the time it was criminals who had committed horrible crimes such as rape or paedophilia. A few of the victims were corrupt politicians and company owners.

Luna and Kiri had become rather close over time as well. talking about life or adventuring in the city together when Luna snuck out. Kiri had slowly begun to feel protective over Luna to a certain extent. But he knew when her time came he wouldn't be able to prevent it.
Luckily she had a long long while til then.

Luna still hoped that one day, her brother would return and take her away. And they would catch up and he would never let her go again, forever keeping her safe in the warmth of his arms. Deep down she knew that wouldn't happen though and every time she accidentally reminded herself, a little piece of her died.

Kiri would often help her sneak into Mellow and Matt's room to steal Matt's cigarettes. The older teens never noticed Matt's cigarettes going missing so they didn't have any reason to be bothered. Kiri didn't approve of the human's new habit but she could be doing worse and it wasn't his place to intervene.

It had been a while since she had visited L. Kiri had some business he needed to deal with so Luna decided to go and visit him. After a brisk shower, she shoved on a tracksuit and made herself look presentable before heading out of her room to see L.
As she walked through the hallways, other residents peeked their heads out of their doors in shock. Her ears ached at all the whispers she could hear as she passed them.

Once she reached L's door, she knocked.
No response.
L always responded. He never left his room unless he was out for the day and he would always let her know.

Luna carefully opened his bedroom door but nothing could prepare her for what she saw next.


Everything was gone. The room was empty. There were no more monitors filled with various different things on the desk. The bed was made. There were no candy wrappers and cupcake cases littered across the floor. No bowls of candy or plates with cakes. No identical clothes in the closet.

No L.

Luna stood frozen in the doorway for a good couple of minutes trying to process the sight in front of her. Surely he wouldn't have left without telling her. Right? Had she been so distracted by the book and Kiri? Why didn't he tell her?!

She turned around, her face burning hot and tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She ran back through the halls, gaining more stares than before but she didn't care. It took her a few minutes but she arrived outside Watari's office. 

Watari was sitting behind his desk in his office, about to call L on his laptop to see if he had made any progress when he heard a small knock on his door. A knock he hadn't heard in months.
"Come in!" The old man called out, curious as to why the girl had left her room for the first time in months.

Luna burst open into Watari's office, the door banging against the wall. Luna's eyes were puffy and filled with tears, her cheeks glowing bright red. This was the first time Watari had seen emotion from her since the knife incident.
"Where is L? His room is empty! Why did he leave without telling me? Why didn't you tell me ?!" She screamed at him. Rage and hurt filled her voice.

Watari remained calm and collected, waiting for her to stop screaming before he spoke.
"I'm terribly sorry for upsetting you, Luna. L had to leave immediately for a special case in Japan. He left 3 days ago and wanted to say goodbye but I had forbidden him as I knew you would try to delay his departure which we couldn't allow as this is very important. He left a note for you to read."

Luna stared at him in disbelief, unable to believe what she was hearing. How dare he! As soon as the elder handed her the note, she turned around without saying a word and left the office, slamming the door behind her. She ran back to her sanctuary and locked the door.

Once she was on her bed, she opened up her laptop and began to hack into the Wammies database to find L's file. It took her a while due to the encryptions and firewalls being very secure and by the time she eventually broke it down, everyone was asleep so she had to be quiet.

She let out a quiet victory cheer and searched for L's file. Upon opening it, she discovered that he was located in Tokyo, assigned to a case that involved a mass murderer who went by the name of 'Kira'. Luna could've sworn she'd heard Kiri mention that name a few days ago.

Luna spent a further few hours hacking into the airport's database to book herself a flight to Tokyo that was due in the next 8 hours, followed by a hotel room. She picked herself a decent room but nothing too luxurious so as to not arouse suspicion

Next, she packed her suitcase and filled it with her clothing, and other belongings. She quickly opened a Japanese bank account and transferred funds over before putting the book and laptop into her rucksack.

Taking a deep breath, she glanced around the room she had spent the last few years in and sighed. She wouldn't miss it here. It was time for her to move on to the next part of her story and there was no looking back.

Luna unlocked her window and pushed it open, tossing the suitcase and rucksack out, taking care to not damage the contents. She then threw half her body out the window and grabbed onto the drainpipe, swinging herself round so she was fully gripping it then shimmied down.

This is it.

Goodbye, Wammies.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

Goodbye x

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