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I jumped on my seat, startled by the booming voice. I looked up to see Mr. Park heading towards me, waving heartily.

Mr. Park was the event manager-
(I hope this is the one-)
- of the town, and I worked as a assitant manager under him. Though he was more like dad to me than my boss to be honest.

I quickly stood up and bowed.

"Good morning Mr. Park, how are you today?" I asked him, smiling.

"I'm good like always Julie, what about you?" He sat down on a chair beside me, and I took it as sign to resume sitting on my chair aswell.

"I'm good aswell, thank you Mr. Park. Is there anything I can help you with today? I thought you were leaving for a vacation with your family for christmas this year?" I look at him a bit confused.

"Oh yes, I'm actually leaving right after this, but I have a important task for you." Mr. Park's face turned more serious saying this, and somehow that made me a bit apprehensive of what was about to come.

"And what might that be..?" I asked, a bit hesitant.

"Don't be scared, it's nothing to be worried about." He said, dismissing his hand while giving me a smile. I was definitely not assured.

I said silent, wanting him to continue about the what the 'Important' task might be.

"Well, so you know how each year for christmas, the whole town is decorated and adorned?" Mr. Park went on.

Every year, our whole town is decorated for christmas, as it a very important festival here, so it is also celebrated joyfully by several going ons and gathering leading up to the day. Events and shows are the specialities.

"Of course I know, I grew up here." I confirmed, still bemused of the whole thing.

"And well, you also know how I have do the Town's event managing each year...? But this year, since I'm gling on a vacation, I was going to choose someone else to do it..?" He resumed talking, still with that cautious tone in his voice.

And Mr. Park being the town's event manager had to obviously organize everything.

"Naturally, what are you getting at..?" I exlaimed, getting more confused by the second.

Mr. Park just stared at me, without speaking, as if to wanting me to figure what what he just mean't.

It was almost like a staring contest for a few seconds, until I blinked a couple times and abrubtly stood up from my chair, gasping loudly.

"Wait wait wait! Is this what I think it is or..?" I leaned down a bit, somewhat whispering now.

Mr. Park smiled a little, and was looking at me expectedly.

There were more moments of silence, but it wasn't silence for me. My mind was buzzing around in thoughts, fireworks exploding in my heart.

"Y-you're not serious, right..?" I urged on, and I was sure I must have sparkles in my eyes.

"I am." Mr. Park said simply, but he was trying to control his smile.

My mouth fell open, staring at him in disbelief. If he wasn't my boss, I would've genuinly hugged him.

"M-me..? Organize the festivites for the w-whole town..for christmas...? No way.." My stutter could confirm on how I was incredulous of the whole situation.

And how could I not? This is literally my childhood dream, I grew up watching how the lights sparkled in the night sky, running all around the whole town, pretending I was the one doing the managing, not Mr. Park. I basically know all I could about the job now, nagging him to death to tell me basically EVERYTHING.

"Yes Julie, that's right." Mr. Park was smilling wide now, he stood up and extended his hand, and I immediatly shook it.

"You won't be working alone though, I've found another co-organizer, you both will be on the task together." Mr. Park said.

"His name is Lee Minho, he transferred here recently, so you might not have met him yet. I've set up a meeting for both of you at the Midnight Mocha cafe. You know the one, across the street right? It's at 11 pm for today, so a hour later." He continued.

"That's great!" I was literally beaming.

"Excellant, I know how much this means to you, that's why I recommanded you." He smiled again.

I literally jumped around in happiness, giggling like kid. Mr. Park just stood and chuckled at my reaction.

"Thank you so so much Mr. Park!! I'm so happy for this opportunity! I promise I won't disappoint!" I finally stopped jumping around the room, but was still giddy on my feet while shaking Mr. Park's hand furiously.

"You're welcome Julie, now calm down alright, I have to get going!" He chuckled one last time, and waved goodbye, leaving.

I may or may not have resumed my half dance and half jumping across the whole room again...

End of chapter 1.

Yall I know it doesn't make much sense TT, I googled so much but I couldn't really find anything about town event managers or something like that. If you know anything like that exists please tell me!

And yep, Mr. Park is actually JYP, if you were wondering.


-Nyx <3

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