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Julie Pov:

I looked at my watch, it was currently 10:50, almost 2 hours since Mr. Park left, and 10 minutes till I have to meet this Minho guy. I should probably head out then.

I packed all my stuff and left the office, heading straight towards the Midnight Mocha cafe across the street.

I got a few waves from people, as I was quite known as the social butterfly of the town.

I was almost to the Cafe, when someone knocked into me from behind, nearly tripping me, but I managed to steady myself in the last second.

I looked to see that certain someone hurrying pass by me, merely giving me a glance, and on top of that, rolling his eyes, not even apologizing, as if he just hadn't almost caused me to fall face first.

He rushed past me, not sparing me another glimpse.

I just stared at him, not quite believing the rudeness I just witnessed.

To my surprise, he entered the Midnight Mocha cafe, and I could see him sit near the back through the glass wall.

He honestly looked quite annoyed, checking his watch.

Instinctively, I checked my watch too, seeing it was 11:02 at the moment.

I looked up at the guy again, and my eyes widened a bit in realization.

Could he be..?

It's okay Julie, he might be a asshole, but you're a badass. He might not even be the Minho guy, who knows?(hehe)

I took a deep breath and started towards the cafe again, entering and looking straight towards the rude man.

He looked back at me, a bit taken aback, I wonder why?

Maybe because I was just intensly glaring at him. Maybe.

Julie, calm down, he was probably just in a rush to meet YOU! You should be honoured, he'll probably apologize now. It's okay, be polite.

I walked straight up to him, and gave him a polite smile.

"Hey, are you Lee Minho?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, the 'smile' still on my face.

He looked even more taken aback, staring at me for a few seconds, then smirked.


"That's me, and who might you be?" He said, that stupid smirk still plastered over his face, leaning back on the chair, looking at me straight in the eyes.

I was almost speechless, almost.

"I'm Juliette Bolten, I believe Mr. Park assigned you as the co-event manager, along with me. Correct?" I sat down on the chair opposite him, making sure to correct my horrible posture to appear more cofident than him.

"Correct, and your name's Juliette..?" He raised an eyebrow aswell.

"Yes, any problem?" I asked in a firm tone.

"Nothing, just wondering where your Romeo might be." He chuckled sarcastically, eyeing me up and down.

"Why, you jealous?" I smirked aswell, seizing the amazing opportunity.

He laughed out loud, eyeing me again.

"Jealous? Of you? You really think so?" He smirked even more, adding fuel to the fire.

"Naturally." I kept the firm smirk on my face, not willing to back down.

"Are you always so delusional, or is due to my presence?" He leaned his elbow on the table, hand under his chin.

"Aw, it's okay to be in denial of your desires, sour grapes exists you know?" I spoke in fake empathetic tone, copying his previous movement.

His face seemed to harden a bit for a moment, but he quickly covered up with that stupid smirk again.

"You're a fiesty one, I like you." He seemed, almost impressed...

"It's okay, I like myself too, this isn't new." I smirked even more, not willing to back down, especially due to his fake 'compliment'.

"You really are a odd one I guess. Maybe that's why you haven't found your Romeo yet." He said with a smug look on his face, thinking he just won. Not so fast Mr. Rude.

"Oh, I don't think I'll like to find my Romeo anyways, I mean, unless you're looking for a relationship that only lasted for 3 days and ended with several deaths." I said in a 'matter of factly' tone, useing my shakespear knowledge, take that, UNO REVERSE.

He seemed amused due to my retaliation, and didn't respond for a few seconds, clearly lost.

1 to 0.

"Alright, you're peculiar, I'll give you that." He finally said, smiling slyly.


"I gusss I am." I grinned, a sudden burst of confidence in my body, not wanting to lose to him.

"Alright Alright, enough with this back and forth, let's get to the point. So we'll both be organizing this "event" for christmas I suppose. I'm new here, so you better know what you're doing." He leaned back on the chair, his face a bit more serious now.

"Of course, I grew up here, don't worry, I'll manage it." I leaned back too, realizing I should be more business-like and rather than being a egoistic like him.

"Oh, you grew up here?" He asked, some bit of curiosity laced in his voice.

"Yes." I said in calmly, not like dumbldore.

"So you must know about almost everything here then?" He cocked a eyebrow, as if almost challenging me.

"Obviously, what do mean?" I stated.

"Oh well, as you know, I'm new here, so I wondering if you know any rentees, the current one I'm at is absolutely horrendous, the whole plaster ceiling is peeling apart, and it smells foul." He shook his head in distaste.

"Oh. That's..bad.." I could feel just somewhat apologetic.

"I asked you a question, answer it." He said, rolling his eyes.

Yup, watch that sympathy fly away.

"Well, I don't really know about rentees to be honest." I rolled my eyes, now annoyed at his lack of politeness.

"Aren't you supposed to know about this? I mean, didn't you say you grew up here, so how do you not know?" He scoffed, looking at me skeptically.

"Well just because I grew up here doesn't mean I should know everything single detail that goes on." I said in irritation, this man is literally getting on my nerves.

"Oh, well, just thought you'll knew." He looked disappointed, and then started to look out the glass wall of the Cafe now.

There was silence for a few seconds, and I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. I mean, I would be quite furious if I lived in a house with peeling walls aswell.

I was lost in my thoughts a bit, staring at his face, when he suddenly decided to look back at me, startling me.

He smirked at my reaction, but started to talk again.

"So, what if I live at your place?"

End of chapter 2.

Hope you liked it!
I kind of like julie's personality, but I'm not sure if she just seems rude or anything like that. I hope not-

Anywayss, Baii, love you guys!!

-Nyx <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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