Chapter 1

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"NO! That is so ugly. What's wrong with you today?" Valerie said, she's been my best friend since 4th grade. And now she's arguing with me over what I should wear for our first day of university.

"Valerie. Calm down! I'll just wear this." I showed her a white long sleeve top with a slit on the part covering the chest, and a pair of white / beige sort of jeans.

"You could of told me you had that before." She mumbled. I laugh at her and kick her out so I can get dressed. I look at my body in the mirror and can't help but feel a bit disgusted. I travelled my hands down my hips and distracted myself by talking to Valerie, we both are pretty loud so even if she's in the kitchen, we can still hear each other.

I walked out of my bedroom, going into hers to snatch her miss Dior perfume, she didn't see or hear me going to her bedroom and I'm glad because she acts like she has some weird witch stuff in her bedroom, she never lets me touch her stuff or go in it without her, I mean I can sort of understand, but we are practically sisters! We have to share. I put down the miss Dior perfume and almost fainted when I heard Valerie's blood curdling scream. I froze and looked up at the hallway, which she was at the end of. "OMG OMG LUCIA. I'M GOING TO DIE!" I straight away run to her, I thought something was seriously wrong. But when I get to her, she shows me her phone.

On her phone is a photo of "watermelon" Code name for her crush, Aidan. "Val. What are you showing me here?" I look up at her confused. Why does she always make me panic for the most dumbest reasons? "Look how cute he is! He sent me this on Snapchat. He so likes me. What should I name my daughter?" My eyes widen when she says that. He sends her a mirror pic and now she is planning her children with him? "Valerie what the fuck?" I look at her, her eyes still fixated on the picture of him. "Lucia what's the time?" She changes the subject, I don't even think that's on purpose. She probably thinks planning children is normal. "Your phones in your hands, mines in my room. You can check." I say.

She clearly didn't take that well because she gives me a death stare. "Are you joking right now?"


We got to the university which for some reason is far from the dorms. I drove as Valerie still doesn't have her drivers licence at the age of 18. We got out of the car and walked towards the university, we looked at the people there and most we didn't know. Only some kids from our high school came to this university. We walked down the hall and then Valerie stopped me. "Lucia.." I stared at her confused. "Yes Valerie? Omg. Is Aidan there?" I ask, I honestly expected that but then she says something else. "Uh. Did you know that.." she stuttered. I've never seen her stutter unless she's really stressed. "Valerie. What's wrong?" I realised her eyes were fixated on behind me. "Lucia." She gulps. "Turn around." I stare confused for a second or two, when turn around. Then I saw Leo. Not just any Leo. Leo Carson.


Why is this so bad? If I can improve in any way, tell me please! I never wrote a book and I'm sort of stressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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