come and get me 3

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The hero was out of breath, his chest heaving and sweat dripping down his forehead. He had been chasing the villain for hours through the city, determined to take him down and end his reign of terror once and for all.

But the villain seemed to always be one step ahead, taunting the hero with his twisted mind games. And now, as they stood face to face on the rooftop of a tall building, the villain couldn't resist egging him on.

'If you want me,' the hero panted, trying to catch his breath, 'come and get me.'

The villain laughed, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement. He swept a hand under his chin, his lips curling up into a sly smile. 'Want me in which way, darling?' he teased, his tone dripping with seduction. 'Don't get me wrong, both involve ropes, but it's an important distinction we make before we proceed.'

The hero's face flushed with anger and desire, his body reacting to the villain's words in ways he couldn't control. He knew the villain was playing with him, but he couldn't help but feel drawn to him in a way he couldn't explain.

Without another word, the hero lunged forward, determined to finally capture the villain and put an end to their dangerous game. But the villain was ready for him, easily dodging his attacks and using his own strength and agility to gain the upper hand.

As they fought, the tension between them grew, their bodies pressed close as they grappled with each other. And with each touch, each graze of skin against skin, the hero felt his desire for the villain growing stronger.

Finally, the villain managed to pin the hero against the rooftop, his hand gripping the hero's throat as he leaned in close. 'Did you really think you could defeat me, my dear hero?' he whispered, his lips mere inches from the hero's. 'You're weak, just like all the others who have tried before you.'

But the hero refused to give up, his body still throbbing with desire despite the danger he was in. With a sudden burst of strength, he flipped the villain over and pinned him to the ground, his own hand now wrapped around the villain's throat.

'Let's see who's weak now,' the hero growled, his lips crashing down onto the villain's in a fierce kiss. The villain responded eagerly, their tongues tangling in a battle of dominance.

As they continued to fight and kiss, their bodies moving together in an intoxicating rhythm, the hero realized that the villain wasn't just taunting him with words. He truly wanted the hero in every sense of the word.

And before he knew it, the hero had become lost in the villain's touch, his senses overwhelmed with pleasure. In that moment, he didn't care about being the hero, about doing what was right. All he cared about was being with the man in front of him, their bodies tangled together in a passionate embrace.

Their battle may have started as a fight between good and evil, but in the end, it had become something much more. And the hero couldn't deny the intense connection he felt with the villain, even as he knew it was wrong.

'If you want me,' the villain moaned, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony, 'then take me. I'm yours.'

And the hero did just that, giving in to his desires and succumbing to the forbidden pleasure of the villain's touch. In that moment, he didn't care about being the hero. He just wanted to be with the man who had captured his heart and ignited a fire within him that he couldn't resist.

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