Chapter 5

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I got out first and looked in awe at the building before us. Hank got out and closed the door. We walked to the others, looking at the mansion before us.

"This is yours?" Sean questioned.

"No, its ours," Charles states.

I looked at Charles and tilted my head.

"Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship," Erik states as he turns and looks at Charles.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me," Raven says.

She stands in between Erik and Charles. Charles gives Raven a forehead kiss.

"Come on time for the tour," Raven states as she moves forward.

"Charles, this is a mansion. I will be lost in here even after a tour," I state as we move forward.

Charles laughed and turned towards me.

"Don't worry. It is easy to move around in there."

I looked at Charles and then at the mansion.

"Sure, if you hear me calling out in my mind for you or Raven, it means you were wrong."

Raven walked in front of us and showed us around. After the tour, I could tell you where I would be and where I would not go.

I was sitting with Hank in the library when Charles walked in.

"Abigail, what made you faint at the CIA?" Charles questions.

I looked at Charles and then at Hank before answering.

"I think it is part of my mutation. When Darwin died, it felt like someone ripped a hole through me. My body did not know how to handle it, so I fell asleep."

Charles nodded his head, "I believe you got another power."

I looked at Charles and shook my head.

"Another one?" I question, looking down.


I laugh and get off the couch.

"You have to be kidding me."

"What do you mean?" Charles questions.

I shift into my natural form and tilt my head as I look at Charles.

"I can travel through milliseconds. I can fly, I have the ability to change how I look. And now I have another power? What is this one?"

Charles moves forward and grabs my arms.

"You can tell if a mutant you know is dead."

I feel tears gather in my eyes. I move back and walk around Charles.

"Abigail," Charles starts.

"Charles, let her go," Hank says as the doors close.

I walk up the stairs and enter the room I have claimed as mine. I walk to the window and open it, letting the fresh air enter the room.

I sit in front of the window and listen to the sounds coming from outside.

I hear the door open as someone enters my room. Turning my head, I see Alex.

"Sorry, I called for you, but you did not answer."

"Sorry, I was sidetracked."

"I can tell."

I give a small smile before looking back outside.

"Can I ask you something?" Alex asks.

I nod while turning back to face him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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