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Everything's been great after Sage's short recovery.

I trained for long hours everyday, from the dawn where the bright sun shined on my frail skin until the late nights where the comforters covered us from head to toe and embracing us with warmth, to the point where I dreamed about going on missions and sometimes having nightmares about them... not fun.

On a random normal training day, Brimstone approached me with a bright smile. Something good must've happened, right?

His chapped lips parted as he spoke with a husky voice. "Y/N, I have news for you." The smile remained on his face, his glistening pink cheeks plump and fleshy indicating his joy for the news he was about to tell me. Curiosity filled my expression as I gently placed down the pistol I had in hand. "You look really happy. Good news?" I asked in an exciting voice, anticipation and hope filling my eyes.

Brimstone sighed softly before answering. "You're qualified to go on a mission now." There was a hint of joy in his voice, but also a little reluctance. His tone imitated a father, not wanting his child be as grown as him. "No way. I'm so excited for this." I exclaimed with excitement, shaking Brim's arm as he looked at me with a that same smile, but wider.

In the blink of an eye, happy me told the good news to Sage, dialling her on the phone provided by the headquarters.

Of course, her response would be in positive terms, with a little sense of overprotectiveness.

"Really? You better not get hurt. I have enough work as a healer." She sighed tiredly though the mic. I could imagine those piled documents of my medical information on her desk on the future mission days.

My response was affirmative. "I'll be fine Sage! Don't worry about it. Besides, that means we can work together, and spend more time with each other. You get it."

Sage was definitely defeated by my excitement, chuckling through the phone and blabbering about health safety and measurements. Being the joy of the team, everyone was looking forward to work with me.

"You'd rock the battlefield Y/N!"

"Come over and help me with my bots, you'd be a great addition."

"Want a taste test of my unidentified solutions?"

Well, most of the comments weren't so canny, but you get the point. I was in utter excitement for the upcoming missions with Sage and the team. Hopefully, I'd really 'rock' the battlefield with no issues.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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Spiritual healing 🤍 // Sage X Fem!Reader // VALORANT Where stories live. Discover now