you're laying in colby's bed and you start to feel light headed out of no where. you get out of bed and start making your way downstairs.
colby's playing a video game on the couch. he looks up at you coming down the stairs and notices you're kinda drowsy. "are you okay babe?" he asks "i don't know i feel dizzy." you reply then stop halfway down the staircase and your eyes start to close, you look so out of it.
colby immediately drops the game controller and goes to the bottom of the stairs. you open your eyes again.
"what the fuck was that?!" he reaches his arms for you and you slowly start walking down the stairs again.
"i don't feel good colby"
"hey it's okay let's go lay down" he grabs your hand and helps you down the last couple steps. "did you eat or drink anything today?" he asks "um no" you reply "well that explains it"he starts walking you to the couch but all of a sudden you stop walking. "come on we're almost there" colby says but you don't reply.
your eyes suddenly roll to the back of your head you start falling forward. colby quickly turns around and catches you just in time.
"babe! hey!!" he tries to shake you awake
"shit" he drags you to the couch and lays you down carefully and puts a pillow under your head. he runs to the kitchen and gets you some time skip
you wake up with your head on his lap and he's stroking your head.
"you okay?" he whispers
"mhm" you mumble
"can you sit up and drink this for me?" he helps you sit up then hands you a bottle of water and you drink some of it"better?" colby asks concerned
"yeah, thank you" you lay on his chest and he wraps an arm around you."i figured that you were hungry so i door dashed chickfila, it should be here any miniu-"
"aweee colby you could've just got me a snack from the kitchen"
"i've actually been wanting chicken all day soooo"
"well thank you anyways" you give him a kiss on the cuddle and watch tv till your chickfila arrives