Chapter 18: Korrina and Lucario! The Secret of Mega Evolution!!

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The sun continued to rise over the forest trail of route 10 and Bonnie erupted in laughter alongside Chespin, Dedenne, and Charizard. Serena and Clemont, however, yelped with Lucario while Pikachu, Fletchinder, and Frogadier sweatdropped. Amid their morning training routine, Tyrunt got his turn with him and now bit down on Ash's head. Despite this, he did not flinch and even blinked at the others' horrified expressions.

"Is something wrong?"

"Ash, he's biting your head!" Serena cried.

"Oh this is nothing. My Garchomp used to bite my head all the time when he was a Gible............And still does from time to time."

"Grauu!" Tyrunt cried before Ash pulled him off. Lucario raced over to check on Ash's head then growled at Tyrunt who snapped his jaws back at him. A series of stomach growls from the group signaled an end to their morning training. Ash and Bonnie fed the pokemon while Clemont and Serena prepared breakfast.

"Shalour city isn't far from here. I've heard stories about how beautiful it is." Serena said.

"Oui, our dad took us to visit there once. We met the old gym leader, he was so strong he even beat dad."

"Humph, he got lucky." Bonnie said with puffed up cheeks.

"Really!? Wait, you said he's the old gym leader?"

"That's right, Ash. I hear his granddaughter has taken over for him."

"What's she like?"

"Well, that's the thing. I've never actually met her." Clemont rubbed the back of his head and sweatdropped. "I know the old leader was a fighting type trainer, so she probably is too."

"Fighting types, looks like you're up again Lucario."

"Grou!!" Lucario threw his paw up.

"We'll have to train that much harder though. If the old leader was as good as you say then his granddaughter must be top-notch too."


"We'll need to keep it up too. According to my info pad, there's a showcase happening in Shalour city soon!"

"Perfect. I'll get my next badge and you'll win your first showcase."

"Ahh, we'll see." Serena turned a little red but almost screamed when Ash put a hand on her shoulder.

"You won the exhibition showcase the other day, you'll do great."

"Ahh, merci."

They were almost ready to sit down for breakfast when Pikachu's ear twitched. He looked around the forest before hearing it again, a cry for help.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu climbed onto Ash's shoulder and nudged him before pointing off toward the call.

"Huh? What is it Pikachu-"

Ash stopped when he and the others heard it too.

"Hey, someone's in danger! Come on!" Despite his hunger, Ash sprung up and led the others in a mad dash across the forest until they saw it. A woman, man, and child lay on the ground, hands bound with a pair of bruised Electrike beside them.

"Did you really think you could escape us, Dr. Machter? You belong to Team Flare now, and you will submit yourself or your family will pay the price." The admin pointed his finger at the man and little girl.

"No you-" Ash started while Pikachu sparked his cheeks. However, something else seized their attention. It sounded almost like roller blades coming closer and closer. Lucario poked his head down the roar and gasped. Ash felt the sensation too, a strong aura presence. Soon enough, he and everyone else saw them. A young woman perhaps two or three years older than Ash and Serena with fair skin, silver eyes, and light blonde hair so long, her ponytail almost reached the ground. She wore a white and red sleeveless top and skirt with a matching helmet and fingerless gloves. Racing close behind her, came a Lucario wearing a red bracer around his paw.

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