Jess x King

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King POV

I was scavenging for materials when a spiderling appeared in front of me. This was new as I had never seen another origin before. I started at them for a good 30 minutes before the spiderling saw me and went away.

I wanted to see that spider again but I'm pretty sure that was a one in a life time chance. One day I went into a cave for diamonds but found an abandoned mineshaft, as I was searching it I sawthis beautiful web it had small water drops on it that sparkled under the torch light and it looked so silky like it was a blanket to cuddle.

I wanted to examine it farther wondering what kind of spider would make such a fine web. I got closer and as soon as I was a couple feet away a mob jumped at me, I quickly backed away and looked at my attacker. I got a look and saw it was that same spiderling from a couple days ago, they looked hostile standing in front of their web protecting it. I took a step back and they seemed to calm down but I could tell they were still on high alert. I got on my knees to tell them I wasn't a threat and they looked like to have calmed.

I approach with caution, they seemed hesitant bug quickly realized I wasn't a threat. Once I was right in front of them I was able to get a better look and they were stunning as when I saw them far away. They had long brown hair that looked tangled at the bottom, golden red shimmering eyes and a ripped purple hoodie they looked like a goddess.

3rd pov

"Hello can you speak?" king asked as he never heard the spider utter a word, the spider nodded their head in response. "I-i can speak" the spider answered their voice sounding soft and delicate . "What's your name?" king asked the spider who looked confused at what was asked so king clarified, "it's what others call you?".

The spider finally seemed to understand "my name. . . Is Jess" Jess said and king zoned out thinking what kind of name is Jess "what's your name?" Jess asked awakening king from his zoned out state. "My name is king" king answered with pride but as long embarrassed at zoning out in their conversation.

"Well bye king" Jess said running off into the darkness, king not wanting to lose them again tried to follow but quickly found himself lost in this labyrinth of a cave. He tried calling for Jess but to his dismay they never answered. He ventured through the deeper into the cave only getting more lost the deeper he went, but he made up his mind that he wouldn't rest or leave till he found Jess.

The love struck boy kept searching even when he ran out of food and his pickaxe had broken. After searching till he dropped he finally came to terms he wouldn't find them a d decided to go home. But when he turned around nothing was familiar he finally realized he was lost in a cave with no food, no pickaxe, and no direction. And to top things off he was founded by zombies a horde to be exact, king tried to fight but the zombies kept coming till his sword broke. King felt hopeless as his health rapidly declined, this isn't how he wanted to die but he thought about meeting Jess and thought that was a good thought to die on.

Once he hit one heart he saw a figure appear through his blurry vision he saw them fight the rest of the zombies killing without mercy. He finally recognized them to be Jess and looked at them with a weak smile before passing out.



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