Jess x king ||

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King POV

It was pitch black, I couldn't see anything, my body was freezing and I couldn't smell anything. I wandered through this land getting more cold the longer I walked, "hello?" I yelled out but all I heard was my echo. I felt hopeless as I sat and let my eyes close as the darkness envelope me and the cold to take me over.

Suddenly I felt a slightly warmth it wasn't a lot but it was enough for me to open my eyes and stand up. I wanted to get closer to it but I didn't know where it was coming, at that moment I didn't care all I wanted was the warmest I felt earlier. I gathered all my strength and ran in the opposite direction I was walking in, I ran for what felt like miles the more I ran the closer I felt to the warmest I got closer and closer till I saw something a small light. That's where the warmest is I thought I ran in that direction, the like got bigger and the light got brighter.

My eyes opened I was in a soft bed bandaged up, I tried to look around but when I turned my head I saw someone my vision was blurry but I'm sure I knew who it was. ". . . Jess?"

No one POV

They looked at king they seemed to have been sitting next to him waiting for him to wake up. They looked relieved and excited seeing king awake and ran out the room.

King was confused on why Jess ran out but his confusion was the least of his worries. He looked around seeing he was in a dark wooden room a small lamp on a desk at his side and a dark wooden door in front of his bed. King didn't know where he was but just thought he was at Jesse's place but this room wasn't the way he thought a spider would decorate.

Jess came back with a taller male he wasn't as tall as king but taller than Jess, he had black hair with his front bangs being yellow his skin was a blueish gray color and his eyes were blue and orange, he wore a leather jacket over his black shirt he has an iron axe on his back, black leather pants and black boots with drided mud at the bottom.

"Jess who's he?" king asked he'd never seen some like him unless you count seeing Piligers "he's Presinexted or pres for short" Jess answered while 'pres' came closer to king he was quite close and he checked on kings bandages some were all sooked in blood so he got some fresh bandages in the dresser next to the bed. Pres undid the old bandages and king saw his wounded chest he was shocked at how he wasn't dead but pres seemed to know what he was doing. Jess left the room dew to pres asking them to get some ice for king.

Pres finished redoing the bandages and sat in the chair next to my bed
"Who are you?" king asked he wanted to know more about pres and his relationship with Jess "didn't Jess already tell you?" pres answered boredly he didn't seem to want to talk but king was persistent.

"Who are you to Jess." king asked in a tone that screamed jealousy "well I should be asking that now shouldn't I?" pres said avoiding the question entirely "don't avoid the question!" king snapped but pres didn't look fazed like he was used to this.

"Fine I'm Jess's friend. Now who are you jealous boy?" pres sinkered he was clearly mocking king with short answers that didn't exclose a lot like king wanted "I-im not jealous I just don't want Jess to be 'friends' with someone dangerous!" king yelled trying to defend himself

"Um okay you met Jess what a couple days ago and you think I a person who's known them since childhood is to dangerous from them to be around?" pres said making king back down knowing he's been outspoken.

"Listen bud I don't know you but Jess seems to like you. So let me make this clear if you so much as make them even the tiniest bit upset." pres paused he was calming himself down before saying in a menacing tone."I'll have you for dinner" pres warned making king gulp at his threat.

Just then Jess came in and ice was applied to kings wounds.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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