Day 1. Finding my new friend

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[Impostors are parasites that take complete control of the crewmate. How fast they take control depends on how strong the Impostor and crewmate are.]
[Impostors need human or crewmate blood to survive.]
[Impostors have the capacity for compassion, they just need a bit of kindness.]
[They may or may not have Undertale magic- {Because of the inventory? They always pull their weapons out from behind their O2 pack}]

This world:
This is a cross between real life and Among Us. The only crewmates we'll see are ghosts following people around. We will meet others like us... but for now let's focus on living with Black, shall we?

This will be very, VERY interesting.

It was a Tuesday. I was walking home from school, chatting with my friends until we got to the crosswalk we split at. I was halfway through my shortcut through an alley when I heard a thump behind me. It was a rather wide alley, and long too, but not many people come down here. I looked behind me and saw a.. black but purpleish lump that resembled one of those Among Us beans. It even had the cone hat and O2 pack. Suddenly, it sat up and I saw it was REALLY BIG. It was more than just purpleish black, it had blood pink streaks all across its body and the cone hat was broken with a horn poking out, one on each side. It had a mouth with reaally sharp teeth being barred and its visor was square with a hole in it. Yet I had one thought in my mind at seeing this thing.

Hug the bean.

So I just walked up to it as it braced itself against the wall, which started creaking at how heavy it was. I stopped below it and threw my arms around it as best I could. I only managed to get to its sides and even then, it was its lower half and I was just below the big teeth. It felt like hugging plastic with wet paper overlaid over it, and it gave me a somewhat surprised look, and we just sat there for a good two minutes, both of us processing the situation. Then it took its other hand out, they were both pink-blood streaked too, and it just put it against its head. Then I felt it was getting smaller and I let go, curious as to what was happening. The horns retracted themselves and the pink streaks faded. The visor fixed itself and the cone did too. The bean was just a little taller than me now, who was about 6'6.[A/N, not true and prolly wont be] We just looked at each other for a good minute. I threw my arms around it again and its hands popped out in surprise, but it slowly put them on my back and held me. It felt like hugging a pillow. I really wanted to just stay there forever and hug this little bean. It then whispered in a harsh but soft voice, "Forgive me for any pain this causes." 

Then I barely felt something in my back, then a sharp stabbing where his hands were. I stifled a screech, knowing he didn't mean any pain. I saw the purpleish color fade from him and he shrunk even more, to the point where he was no taller than the top of my ribs. Then I let go and looked at the small bean. His visor was white and he was shaking. Then he stilled and fell over. He was dead. The parasite was the only thing keeping him alive. 

I was silent until the voice of the bean spoke up.
"Are- are you alright?" I looked to see where it was coming from and behind me I saw a ghost of the purpleish black bean, though he was standing on his two legs and wasn't floating like a normal Among Us ghost. He looked concerned about me.
I replied, "Ya, I'm fine. Just hurt a little is all." He relaxed and let his hand fall.
"Good. I didn't want you to get damaged." I looked at him and he had a little purple embarrassed blush below his visor. He was not good at showing or dealing with kindness, was he?
"Heh, don't worry about it. I've dealt with worse." He suddenly looked extremely concerned and asked what I had endured to withstand the pain of a parasite entering me. [he had entered through my back and tipped off my immune system, he was hiding somewhere in my body now.] 
I said, "I don't really remember but I know it helped me get stronger."
He then said, "It would be best if you don't look in my direction and talk to me with your mind so people don't think you're crazy."
I felt really stupid and said to him, this time in my mind, 'Oh god you're right, sorry-'
He waved it off and said, "As long as you're alone you can talk aloud to me." I then recommended we get home and he agreed. 

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