Day 2a. School

33 1 18

[The murder bean is done, EroseWisp.]
[He looks ready to kill someone for chocolate.]
[Not that I would know... =)

Waking up, I felt a lot better than I usually did. Mom didn't have to come wake me up this time. I asked Shadow about it and he said, "I've been finding anything inside you that looks abnormal and then killing it." Ah. That would explain why I also felt like I was going to throw up. "I even found some cancer in here, who the hell is giving you all this?" I told him, 'To be honest, I don't know. It might be that one idiot at school..' Now Shadow was confused. "...School? And which idiot, everyone other than you and your family are idiots." I was surprised that he thought that, but it's reasonable. He's basically the egotistical and confident person I only wish to be. 'There's this one idiot who always stops me in the hall and pesters me about what I'm doing and he's always crusty. And- one other thing. You can't take control of me there. No matter what, I don't want anyone to know about you.' He nodded and said, "Noted. I really wanted to rip that idiot's head off and eat it though." I looked at him with a 'No, do not do that here' look. I said, 'You had best restrain from doing that down here. There are laws against that and if they found out that you killed someone they would put both you and me in jail for life.' 

Shadow pondered on that and then looked up at me with a grin and a menacing glare in his visor said, "N O T   I F   T H E Y   D O N T   F I N D   A N Y   E V I D E N C E ." I shuddered at how menacing he sounded. Mom gave me a look and I waved her off. 'Still, don't do it please. I really don't want to be bombarded with questions when I get home. And when I go to school the next day.' He shrugged with a 'suit yourself' look. I asked him to leave the room so I could get dressed, and he obliged. Got dressed, came out and Shadow complimented me on how I looked. Or- he tried to anyway. I have the feeling he's good with insults and lies, but not really compliments. It's adorable when he blushes, damn it.

I got my stuff together and started walking to school but I noticed something. There was a blue ghost following Mom. I paid no mind to it as it would be strange if I started looking at a ghost. But I noticed Mom was looking.. at Shadow. Did she see him? Can she see him? Will she ask me about him? I gave her a 'what are you looking at?' look and she realized what she was doing and the blue ghost I think scolded her. She looked up at it and I think said something in her mind because the ghost floated upside down and feigned dying. Shadow asked, "Who's that?" 'Don't know. Better get to school before I'm late.' He shrugged and just followed me. He paused for a little bit when I met my friends at the crosswalk, but then shook his head and continued following me. 

I got to my first period and noticed something really, really disturbing. 

There were tons.



All of them were following someone or another, but when I walked in with Shadow, they all looked at me and started floating back to the corner. Shadow gave them a glare that probably told them 'I would kill you again if I had the chance.' 

Meanwhile, I was just frozen. I snapped out of it before it got too weird and sat at my seat at the back. A few of the ghosts chatted about me and asked who I was and where I came from and sometimes I heard the occasional "why does she have an impostor with her?" from someone or another. I just listened to my professor talk about the anatomy of a badger and Shadow gave glares to everyone and everything. He obviously did not like it here. 

When the bell rang, I got my stuff together and started heading to Spanish. Usually, this is the time the idiot comes and bothers me, but I deal with him. I heard a yelp down the hall and see that one of the ghosts had accidentally knocked over something balanced on top of one of the doors. It appeared to be a paint bucket; someone was planning a prank on Mr. Torren. But since the ghost knocked it over prematurely, the bucket landed on none other than the dolt who always pestered me around this time. I smirked and walked off to Mr. Jefferson's class, since I knew the idiot wouldn't bother me with paint all over his top half. I really hoped his skin and clothes were stained pink like the paint for a week. 

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