Chapter one

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One second can change a history.
One moment can change the world.
One meeting can change a life.
One ship can give the greatest hope and crash millions of dreams at the same time. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was but for some it was a slave ship taking fools to America in chains.

But when Lilian Kays saw Titanic for the first time in the docks of Southampton thought that this ship could be something different. An escape from past life and a new beginning. And maybe only maybe this life would be better and full of... hapiness. Lilian saw vivid colors on chimneys and she had an impression she could smell the fresh paint.

When they came closer there was an awed silence in the car where she was sitting with maid Marian McCormac and butler Brian White.

-What do you think, miss Kays?-asked Marian in a reverent tone.- Isn't it amazing?

-She's gorgeous indeed.- Lilian agreed.

-I'm not as educated as you are, Miss Kays - Brian grumbled.- But I think it would be best if she was strong, not gorgeous.

Lilian had a hard time keeping herself from smiling. She has always thought aristocrats were snobs but since she started working as Lady and Lord Greenwood's secretary six months earlier, she has found the servants to be much more snobbish. And those high in the hierarchy like Brian White hated her because she disturbed their little world. She was a governess which means she was a worker and a woman in addition but at the same time she was educated and she came from a middle-class background so she was higher than a servant. And gossips, of course. Servants didn't know her story but she can't hide that she suddenly left her previous job and found herself at the Greenwood's house. They had many ideas but she supposed they weren't close to the truth. This ignorance was driving Mr. White crazy. All of this made Lord Greenwood's butler angry towards her. It wasn't nice for Lilian but she supposed it was her burden to carry and tried to accept everything with a sense of humor. Not that she had any choice anyway.

-What are you saying, Mr. White!

-Marian squealed.- this ship is not only beautiful they say she is unsinkable.
Mr.White snorted.

‐You are very young Miss McCormac.- His tone left no doubt that it wasn't a compliment-A caterpillar is an insect until it turns into a butterfly and every ship is unsinkable until she sinks.

Well, Lilian actually agreed with that. Fortunately, they didn't have to answer because at that moment the driver opened the door for them.

The noise hit them with great force. The cries of seagulls, the roar of engines and the soundtrack of human voices merged into one.

-I didn't think there would be so many people here.- Marian mumbled.

-It's not surprising- Lilian replied and pointed to the vessel towering above them. - Participating in the maiden voyage of the Titanic is a reason to be proud.

-Isn't it, Miss?

-Instead of gossiping with someone better than you, get to work Miss McCormac. - Mr. White said and although Lilian was sure it was an insult to her.

-Of course Mr White-the girl squealed and ran to collect luggages. Lilian looked around and took a deep breath of the sea air. It was truly amazing to observe all these people from around the Europe. And this ship was... something. She was huge and gave the impression of safety. Lilian was in awe; she had never been on a vessel that large before. Well... she had never been on a vessel.

-Miss Kays.-She heard a posh voice and saw that her employers got out of the other car. Lady Greenwood, an elegant beautiful lady in fur summoned her with a wave of her finger. Next to her stood Lilian's ward, eight years old Marigold. The girl was jumping up and down excitedly in her pretty dress.

-Miss Kays!-girl cried.-Did you see how nice is the ship?

-Marigold, act like a Lady-Mother admonished the girl and turned back to the vessel.- Come on miss Kays, please be careful with Marigold.

Lilian winked at the girl before she could cry at her mother's reprimand and took her hand.

-Come on Little Bird, let's see if the ship is as nice inside as it is outside.

The gangway doors were opened on the huge liner and the gangway between the dock and ship deployed. Lord and lady Greenwood walked up the walkway leading to the first class section of Ship. Lilian with Marigold and Mr White with Marian followed behind them. A single file line of all very dignified persons with their attendants, their ladies and valets stood calmly. All these people were preparing to board the world's most luxurious vessel which they saw as their God given right.

-I don't see what all of the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania.-Lady Greenwood mumbled.

-You can be blasé about some things, Sweetheart, but not about Titanic. - Said Lord Greenwood when he stood next to his wife in line as passengers ahead of them began to walk across the ramp.- It's over a hundred feet longer than the Mauritania and far more luxurious.

Lilian smiled furtively. She liked the Lord much more than his wife. She held Marigold's hand tighter and in the other hand she held part of her dress up when it was her turn to climb the ramp. Lilian grimaced and winced when she saw the water 20 feet below. If she fell, she would definitely not survive. Oh, and she would kill Marigold by the way.

-Good morning. Names, please?- The man said; she assumed was an officer.

Lilian didn't look up because she was busy trying not to fall into the water.

-Lord John Greenwood and Lady Lucille Greenwood, our daughter Marigold, her governess, our maid and our butler.

-Welcome aboard. If you need anything at all, let me know. I wish you a pleasant journey.

Nice voice Lilian thought fighting with her dress, deep and calming. And this accent was... Scottish? It was their turn to enter through the door. She raised her head and looked straight into the bluest the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Those eyes looked back at her and seemed to truly see her. This man this officer seemed a good man even though lillian had lost faith in good men a long time ago. He has a gentle kind face and a soft smile.

-Welcome abroad Miss. - He repeated with a smile, and Lilian realized she was standing there, staring at him.

-Good morning, sir-Marigold greeted happily from behind her skirt.

-And to you young Miss- Man responded but he didn't take his laughing eyes off Lilian.

Embarrassed she nodded and brushed past an officer dragging the girl behind her.

-This man stared at you, Miss Kays- muttered Marigold.

-Don't be silly, sweetheart.-Lilian replied.

But when she was walking after her employers she couldn't help herself but turned her head back. An officer looked after her.

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