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Vora woke up few seconds before her alarm went off. 

She'd accidentally slept in her new uniform. She smoothed it down and headed to her mirror to fix-up her appearance. Once she'd washed her face and brushed her teeth, she concluded her time in front of the mirror by braiding her long hair and stuffing it up into her new dark cyan cap.

She headed to the coffee machine to get the Starkiller stimulant sludge for the last time for a while. Hopefully the Finalizer would have a carbon copy of the very practical machine. Vora had spare time to sit in the room and drink a steamy-hot coffee before heading towards the cafeteria to get a quick breakfast. Vora was glad to have the spare time as it was seen as unprofessional to take food or drink on shift. The medical team got away with it because of their long shifts and seclusion in the medical bay rather than parading about the base. However, they often had to make do with their drinks going cold due to the nature of their busy days.

Vora arrived at the hangar a few minutes early. As a new ranking officer this was mandatory to set an example for the other MTs. Commander Ren was already in the hangar waiting as final checks were being done to his tie fighter 'the Silencer'. He stood still as Vora approached, seemingly unphased by her presence. He'd probably expected her early arrival as the new leading MT. She wondered if he was assessing her. It seemed like a trivial thing to do as a commander, but the only other superior on the mission was the lead for the stormtroopers who had no decision-making clearances for Vora or her MTs. Therefore, Commander Ren was the only one who could order her on the mission, and she would have to comply.

"Officer Sabina, congratulations on your quick recovery and your promotion." The Commander seemed to say it as if it had been scripted. The praise coming from him felt constrained and unnecessary. Perhaps he was obligated to respect her promotion or trying to make peace after tossing her out into Ilum.
You cast me into the cold and left me to die. Vora thought about saying it to him. However, she was not sure she wanted the stormtroopers near her to hear of the incident. After she had thought it, Commander Ren walked closer to her. Vora had a feeling that she'd not got a handle on the telekinesis just yet.
"Yes, you would have died if I had not sent the Starkiller medical team to extract you. I told you I have no intention of killing you." He explained. "I do, however, have intention to make you aware of your place if you should cause any grievances."

"Well. It's hard to learn whatever lesson you are trying to teach me if after I get cast out to near death, I end up getting a significant promotion." As soon as she said the statement, she worried about her rank being taken from her so soon.

"Your promotion was a unanimous decision amongst the generals. We needed our best MT to lead the mission."
Best MT. Vora let the praise perk her up, intermingling with the caffeine she'd drank only half an hour before. She then felt her negative thoughts swarm in, reminding her about how she'd already had that title before the First Order had forced her amongst them. She felt a strange sensation inside of her. It was a mixture of pride and annoyance. It took long enough for her to be awarded with status after all she'd done for the First Order.

She felt the pressure on her head again. She felt more vulnerable than before as Commander Ren tried to read her undiagnosed inner turmoil.
"Leave my head alone, thank you." She looked up at him. It was too early to deal with whatever the Commander would throw at her.

"You can feel when I read your mind. Interesting. That normally takes training. That won't stop me though." She felt him pushing on the walls of her mind again. She tried to push back but she knew it was a desperate attempt with her lack of training.
He stopped.
"You have work to do, and you have wasted enough time already daydreaming in the hangar."

"I think you'll find that I can work efficiently while thinking of whatever I want." Vora defended.

"Anything?" The statement felt more like it was muttered. Once again, he emitted feelings of being amused by her and Vora was none-the-wiser as to why. All she could theorise was that it was better than anger.

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