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In a world where shadows fill the lonely night,
Where love's sweet embrace is far from sight,
I stand amidst the crowd, feeling small and alone,
Enduring the pain, My spirit's heavy tone.

No one seems to see the beauty within,
Caught in a cycle where happiness is thin,
I try tirelessly to fit in and belong,
But the darkness lingers, a familiar song.

The mirror reflects an image I deem unkind,
But beauty transcends what the eye may find,
For within your heart, a brilliance does reside,
A unique essence, shining from inside.

Though love may stumble and leave Me in despair,
Strength arises as I learn to repair,
In the depths of solitude, I find My might,
A beacon of resilience, shining so bright.

But for how long till I can no longer repair
I face a war alone because no one seems to care
I'm delaying the inevitable because I am slowly breaking
I keep giving love but I don't get it back because people keep taking

I'm just and unlovable soul in a world full of love
In a world I don't belong , a world so beloved
I'll just continue with the cycle my life is in
Painful or not I'll stand strong through thick and thin

DAI'S SPACE Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora