Step Nine: All's well that ends... not as bad as it could have

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The two siblings had been sitting across each other in the dining hall in awkward silence for a while now.
After Rhia had found Korilla, the dwarf gave her a potion with strict instructions to take a swig daily.
' Unless you want real problems ten months from now.' The dwarf had said, whilst shaking her head.
When Rhia had asked her for how long she should drink that potion, Korilla merely shrugged her shoulders and told her that Rhia was a big girl who damned well knew what the consequences were and left to fetch her Master.
Cold-blooded... One had to be like this when working for a devil with so much fervour as the dwarf did.

Now, back to Tyas.
Tyas, who was unable to look her into the eyes.
Tyas, who fidgeted with the fastenings of his bracers as if his life depended on it.
Tyas, who she had caught neck-deep in... incubus.
She shook herself. It hadn't been a position anyone should ever see their kin in.

"You have no idea how long it's been..." he muttered, barely intelligible.

Rhia chewed her bottom lip in discomfort.
Well, she was definitely in no position to moralise anyone... Haarlep had been right about that.

"Let's... just not talk about this, yes? Not ever," she said decisively.

Tyas eyes found hers. "So, you and Raphael--"

"Not. Ever. Yes?"

"At least take care not to get--"


"Fine, fine!" He exclaimed, raising his hands defensively.

By the look on his face, Rhia could tell that he wanted to say something else, but she silenced him with her gaze.
Good thing, too, for that instant, the devil himself strode into the hall with Korilla and a bookish-looking male tiefling at his heels.

"Shared some juicy secrets, my dears? I know that look..." Raphael purred, his posture poised, his smile complacent.

Rhia crossed her arms in front of her chest, huffing in annoyance.

"Mhm... somebody's still on edge—" the cambion remarked, holding her stare. Use that fire for the upcoming task. He added in her mind.

Raphael nodded towards the male tiefling next to him. "Fill them in on the details."

"Name's Ebros; I'm in charge of the Master's treasury; his archivist, if you will," the tiefling began producing a scroll. "You already heard that the Crown of Karsus has been reforged, yes? No small feat, but considering the Master's vast resources, there has never been a doubt about it."

Another bootlicker... Rhia rolled her eyes. Was anyone in this household not intent on singing the devil's praise?

Focus, Hellcat! Raphael warned, his look scolding. Or I'll make you sing soon enough.

With a silent grunt, she turned her attention to the scroll now rolled out on the table, depicting a detailed drawing of the Crown, some sort of energised ball, and something closely resembling a gnarled staff.

"You might already know that the Crown is part of a set. The Regalia of Karsus, containing the Crown, the Orb of Karsus and his scepter. The Orb is out of our reach, which is a blessing, truly. It was a contributing factor to Karsus' demise... not that that could ever happen to you, my Master." Ebros added with a quick look at the cambion.

Now it was Raphael's turn to look annoyed as he waved at the tiefling to continue.

"The sceptre, however, has its uses. It's a focusing instrument for the precise wielding of unimaginably powerful forces. It's housed at Zariel's citadel at the moment—"

How (Not) to Lose Your Heart to the Devil (Baldur's Gate 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن