Chapter 29- The Highest Point

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--Giana POV--

I was perfect. Beautiful, rich, and successful. I had a handsome husband and an adorable child, I had everything; The dream life that others will only ever pine for. So why... Why in the world was all of this that's rightfully mine about to so easily be taken from me!?

So what if I was a bully? I had to do something to be able to take my frustration out. So what if I punched her around a little bit? She was alive and healthy, so what was the problem? If anything, maybe I should have gone a little further than just taking her baseball dream away. At least then, she wouldn't have been able to bother me as much as she is.

"You're ruining everything! You filthy, worthless bitch!"

The world was painted in red, a deep shade of red in which my anger knew no bounds, and it was all because of this one woman; Maria Saxena. The cause of all my problems.

"I want nothing to do with you, Giana. How is it my fault that your husband assaulted me? As a fellow woman, shouldn't you be able to see how he's the one in the wrong-" Even now as she sat on the ground beneath me, looking up at me as she always has, it felt wrong. She was beneath me so why is it that no matter how hard I try, she is somehow always better than me?

"-You seduced him, you bitch! None of this would ever have happened if you never approached him in the first place!" I yelled, uncaring of all the eyes, speaking words I knew didn't make any sense, but what of it? As I always have, I'll deal with those problems later.

Actions only have consequences if you don't have the money to cover up the actions. But I did. I always did. And I always will. Unlike this woman that stood alone, I had a family to back me up. What's wrong with taking advantage of that?

"I never approached him. From the very beginning, he has always been the one to make the first move. From the first time I saw you both, I never wanted anything to do with you. If you had just left me alone then maybe things would never have gotten this bad!" She yelled the last bit back. For the first time in her life, she yelled at me. And even now, her anger was more evident and more threatening than mine. Why?

I hated her. I always have and I always will. Why does she who has nothing have to be better than me who has everything?

Why does it look like I'm only ever trying to be perfect, but she gets to be effortlessly perfect? Why do I need to put on a fake act to make people like me, but she gets to be her quietly composed self and people love her? Why does she get more respect than me even though I'm famous? Why does my husband love her when I'm rich and she has nothing? Why? Why? Why!?

Clenching my fists, I shook with anger, failing to hold back my enraged scream of pure frustration, and when I looked up, even though she had a fake frightened look on her face, no one else was able to see that. They only saw me being a spoiled little brat. 

"What the hell are you trying to achieve by making it public!? Why don't you just take it to the police like a normal person? Why do you have to be so jealous of me to try and ruin my reputation as well as anything else?" I scoffed, feeding myself words of delusion to help calm myself down.

But, of course, Maria being Maria, always had an ulterior motive.

Sighing, she looked almost disappointed, tutting at me as if I were a child. And pushing herself off the ground, she stood up, taller than me as she clapped her hands clean before going to brush off the nonexistent dust on her clothes.

Even the clothes we wore made her look superior. I was bathed in luxurious items, my whole outfit was more expensive than her house, but she looked more pristine than me right now. Was it because she was a doctor? Or is that another delusion I'm feeding myself? With every passing second that I spend with her, the more my hatred continues to grow.

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