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So another one 🌚🌚🌚

Sooo this was by Yeahidonthavethink  and Vandalaxa

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Sooo this was by Yeahidonthavethink  and Vandalaxa

I used to last time, I always dreamed about going to Switzerland

2. Favourite song?
I really can't pick 😭
I have this playlist on Spotify called Fantasize ✨
There's where all my favourite songs would be cause I fantasize a lot 🌚

So this is my Spotify account, you can follow me if you like and you maybe check my "playlist" there🌚

So this is my Spotify account, you can follow me if you like and you maybe check my "playlist" there🌚

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3. If I could turn back in time which period I would go?
Prolly 2019 because that was the best year or my life and if I knew COVID earlier, I would've enjoyed my final years in my highschool back then

Also 2021 because I wouldn't have wasted my parents money on taking the wrong course. Idfk what was I on when I chose to do science because now thinking about it, why did I even stress myself out for that shit?

4. What was my most treasured memory?
It would probably be that my parents supporting me when I wanted to drop out and also they still did support me to take arts despite art course is expensive. Most parents won't really do that tbh.

5. Best pickup line?
I have a lot tbh 🌚 but let me give you one
Are you made of copper and tellurium because you're CuTe baby 🌚
I added the baby at the back btw so...

6. Best dad joke?
What do you call a sad coffee?

7. I would prefer ten chicken sized zombies cause it's easier to kill them 🌚

8. Yk I doubt I could live in any apocalyptic events cause I surrender easily XD

9. The name that I wish for my first name is probably snow maybe, idk why but I just like that name

10. I would probably steal as much clothes, art supplies and ofc money if I can. Thus I would kiss any handsome guys which are frozen 🌚🌚

11. The most common activity I do on a weekend is playing games, relaxing and drawing
Actually I have violin classes on Saturday so I would be busy
And also, if I start going back to uni, I would be finishing off my assignments


12. Favourite family guy character is probably Peter. Don't ask me why 💀

Okay so that is all and thank you so much for asking me questions. Again, if you're interested in me, you can ask me questions below or on my announcement board

And I'll be posting drawing hopefully this week (pls manifest for me)

Till the bye 🫶✨

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