- Chapter 24 -

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This woman, 'my mom' has been blowing up my phone out of no where recently. For like 2 weeks straight, it been 'bring me my kids' or 'Mia you have no rights to them' which I don't know why all of the sudden she wants them, but it can't be for a good reason.

"Réli, you need to take legal action before she does," Camilla keeps telling me. I do know this, it's just that I am having a hard time starting the process of having them legally switched to Eliza.

"I will, I'm just trying to wait until Eliza graduates, that's all. She will be the one with custody of Kimmy and the twins," I try to explain my thoughts to her.

"Well, you could always ask Silas for help, I'm sure he could help speed things up or at least make them less complicated for you," she says. It's not like I keeping it a secret, I just haven't mentioned it to him.

So a secret?

Shut up.

You shut up.

"Ask me for help with what?" Silas says as he walks into the living room shirtless. He leans down over the couch and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Well, Aurélia is having a bit of trouble with the whole custody thing involving Kimmy and the twins, and mom keeps texting her basically trying to scare her into giving the kids back. Who knows what she might even up doing, that woman is not very stable," Camilla refers to her bipolar disorder.

I actually didn't know she was bipolar until I was 13, Eliza told me she smokes her meds because she doesn't like pills. Probably doesn't help with her addiction either because I'm pretty sure her meds are not what she smoking.

"Why didn't you tell me she was texting you Réli?" Silas looks at me, hurt or confused, I can't tell. "I just didn't want to get you involved because it's not that serious, I promise you guys she not going to do anything," I reassure them.

"You don't know that Aurélia, I know you think that because you sent the most like in trouble that you know her the best, but she was also my mom don't forget that," Camilla stands in front of me. She has a look of anger on her face.

Is she angry because of the fact that I'm trying to do this for myself for something?

"Look, you are not the only one in this situation, this affects Kimmy and the twins, do not forget that. Just because she might not do anything to you doesn't mean she won't try to kidnap them or something crazy," she raises her voice at me.

"She right Bella, you could be risking your siblings if you don't do something," Silas side with Camilla.

"Okay guys, I know I'm sorry. Is there anything you can do Silas?" I ask him.

"Of course, I'll have the situation handled in no time," he tells me. He pulls out his phone and dials someone before speaking. "Di' a Bobbi di chiamare gli avvocati al telefono, ho bisogno che si occupino di una cosa per me," he says walking away.

( Tell Bobbi to call the lawyers, I need them to take care of something for me )

"See, that was not that hard was it?" Camilla plops back down next to me on the couch.

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