Decking the Halls of Love ( Christmas special )

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Snowflakes danced outside the window, creating a winter wonderland as Jungkook and Y/N snuggled on the couch.

Jungkook, his eyes twinkling with mischief, turned to Y/N. "Hey, have you ever kissed under the mistletoe?"

Y/N chuckled, "No, but it sounds like a cute tradition."

Without missing a beat, Jungkook reached behind a nearby shelf, producing a small mistletoe ornament. "Well, we can start our own tradition," he said, holding it above their heads. Y/N grinned, "Looks like we're in luck."

Jungkook leaned in, and the mistletoe became a magical witness to their shared laughter and love. "Our very own mistletoe moment," he whispered, sealing the kiss with a smile.

Later in the afternoon, they decided to bake cookies together. Flour covered the kitchen as they playfully tossed cookie dough at each other, creating a mess that only added to the festive atmosphere.

Jungkook laughed, dodging a handful of flour. "I thought baking together would be less chaotic."

Y/N grinned, wiping flour from her cheek. "Well, chaos can be fun, especially when you're with the right person."

As the cookies baked in the oven, they leaned against the kitchen counter, hands entwined. Jungkook stole a quick kiss, making the kitchen feel warmer than the oven.

"Our cookies will taste better with a dash of love," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Y/N smirked, "Are you suggesting we have a secret ingredient?"

Jungkook winked, "Absolutely. It's called a kiss."

With laughter and kisses, they finished baking, creating a tray of delicious cookies infused with the magic of their love.

Jungkook and Y/N prepared to decorate their Christmas tree. The room was filled with anticipation, and twinkling lights adorned every corner.

Jungkook grinned, holding a box of ornaments. "Ready to turn this tree into a masterpiece?"

Y/N nodded, a twinkle in her eye. "Absolutely. Let's make it a tree to remember."They began with the lights, playfully draping them around the tree.

Laughter echoed through the room as they untangled the occasional knot, turning a potentially frustrating moment into a lighthearted game.Jungkook winked, "Who knew untangling Christmas lights could be this much fun?"

Y/N smirked, "Only with the right company."As the tree sparkled with lights, they moved on to the ornaments.

Each ornament held a story, a memory, and they took turns hanging them on the branches. Jungkook picked up a delicate bauble and handed it to Y/N."Remember our first date?" he asked, a nostalgic smile on his face.

Y/N traced her fingers over the ornament. "How could I forget? It was magical."They continued decorating, sharing stories with each ornament.

The tree became a living tapestry of their journey, adorned with love and laughter.Amidst the holiday tunes playing softly in the background, Jungkook paused, holding mistletoe above their heads. "Care for another mistletoe moment?"

Y/N laughed, "Is that your secret weapon for getting more kisses?"Jungkook grinned, "Maybe."Under the mistletoe, they shared a sweet kiss, making the tree-decorating experience even more enchanting.

As they neared the end of their decorating adventure, Y/N pulled out a special ornament from her pocket. "I made this for us," she said, revealing a tiny frame containing a photo of them together.

Jungkook's eyes softened. "It's perfect. Just like us."They carefully hung the ornament on the tree, a symbol of their love nestled among the sparkling lights and festive decorations.

With the tree complete, they stepped back to admire their creation. The room glowed with warmth and joy, the tree a reflection of their shared happiness.

Jungkook took Y/N's hand, leading her to the couch. "Our tree is beautiful, but it's nothing compared to the beauty of sharing these moments with you."Y/N leaned in, kissing him. "You make everything magical, Jungkook."

Later, they cozied up by the fireplace, exchanging thoughtful gifts. Jungkook handed Y/N a carefully wrapped box. Inside was a beautiful necklace with a tiny mistletoe charm.

"I thought this would be a nice reminder of our first Christmas together," he said, a warm smile on his face.

Y/N's heart melted as she kissed him, feeling grateful for the love they shared. The room glowed with the soft lights, echoing the warmth of their connection.

Y/N handed Jungkook a carefully wrapped box. Inside was a custom-made scrapbook filled with memories of their time together, capturing every smile, every adventure, and every milestone.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he flipped through the pages. "This is incredible," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Y/N smiled, "I wanted to give you something that reminds us of all the beautiful moments we've shared."As they sat by the twinkling Christmas tree, Jungkook whispered, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, especially during the holidays."Y/N squeezed his hand, "I feel the same way. Merry Christmas, Jungkook."

Under the soft glow of Christmas lights, they continued to share more laughter, kisses, and promises of many more holidays together.

The fireplace crackled, and outside, the snow continued to fall, creating a serene backdrop to their intimate celebration. The cozy atmosphere wrapped them in a blanket of joy, making their Christmas one to remember.


Heya bunnies!

I know it's too late to make a Christmas oneshot, but I really wanted to make one, I've been working on it since 20 December but then I went crazy busy, so I didn't had time to finish it and finally did, well I added alot of things, that's why this must be a total mess plus I didn't read it yet, so if there's any typos then forgive me

It took me almost 10 days to complete this one, so hope you like it

Do tell me how was it, it seems boring to me as it has less dialogues, ik but I didn't knew what should I write, I started it with completely zero plot so, yeah here are the results

Y'all can write down your suggestions I would be looking forward to it


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