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TW: suicide, sh. (Later on)

Recap: "Answer me, Bella."

Ember pov:

"Is it hot in here? I'm burning, " I say, pulling up my towel as it's on a strand from falling if I let go. His eyes jump down to the movement. "My eyes are up here, buddy." I say, "I know."  The audacity???

I grab his chin and force him to look up. Our faces are so close together. "Next time you want to moan my name, tell me. I'm sure I could make time."His breath fans against my lips.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be able to do anything for me anyway. That's why i did it myself." I say breathlessly. He raises an eyebrow. "Oh really?" Fuck that's hot. I nod my head standing my ground.

"If I were to reach my hand down and slip my fingers through your little pussy right now you wouldn't be wet?" I most definitely am. I stay quiet. "So I should see for myself? Right?" I stay quiet. His hand travels from my waist down to my thighs.

And he keeps it there?

We make eye contact again. "Raganzza carina, I'm not going to do anything unless you say so." I swallow softly. "Do you want this?" I stay quiet. "Answer me." He says sternly.

Do I want this? I don't think I do. I need time. I don't even know this man. And I don't know if I can jump into something so quickly. What if he turns out like the others?

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, it's just that I don't think i-" "No. Do not say sorry for things like this. This was all your decision, and it's your body. Do you understand?" Do I understand? "Yes," I say.

He gets off of me and walks back until he hits the wall opposite of me. "Bellissima." [Beautiful] He speaks so quietly I almost can't hear it. "I'll see you later, love."

And with that, he walks out.

What the hell just happened!?!? He gave me a choice. And told me not to be sorry about it?

It's too early for this shit.


It's now around 7 pm, and I've been in my room all day. It's not that I don't want to see anyone it's just that I've had no motivation to leave or get up. 

I kind of feel rude. Suddenly, the door opens to reveal asris standing in the door way. "Hey, you good? nobody's seen you all day," I nod my head, too tired to say anything. "You coming down for dinner?" He says softly. I shake my head no, he sighs. "You have to eat something, please?" I don't say anything. I just get up and walk over to him he smiles. "Well, let's go."

He grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. I really don't want to eat. I haven't worked out in like a week, and I'm already getting fatter because last night I don't need this food, but he doesn't need to know that.

We reach the dining room where everyone is waiting to eat. Aaris goes and sits down beside Cyrus and andre. The only open seat is beside Vincent at the end of the table. I sit down, and I can feel stares on me. I look around, looking eyes with all of them. "What?" I say, feeling self-conscious. Why are they staring, "Do I have something on my face?" I start to try and wip my face.

"No, sorellina, you don't.  We're sorry for staring." Andre says and goes back into conversation with sebby. The hell? Cyrus  goes back into conversation with Alani. Aaris, Vincent, and I are just eating our food.  Well, not me, I'm just dragging my fork around my plate waiting for a time to escape.

My mind drifts off into space as I start to think the voices get quiet, and my thoughts get louder. As I stare off, I realize what is there to life anymore?

My mother's dead, I have a whole family who probably thinks of me as a charity case. And that's it. I have nothing else. No one else. I'm empty and hurt, physically and mentally. Maybe I should just go? Who would miss me right? I mean, I wouldn't even miss me. The constant Urge to take a full bottle of pills and comite is eating me alive. And I don't know how to deal with it. It's like a void.

I feel someone ms hand on mine under the table, snaping me out of my trance. I look over to see Vincent staring right at me. He inter locks our fingers and goes back to eating.


Our hands have been interlocked for the whole dinner now. Never once did she protest or let go. And neither did I.

She was spacing out hard, and I had never seen that look on anybody's face but mine. I know that look better than anybody else, and it makes me wonder what she's really going through.

She seemed confused when I told her it was her decision, which confused me. I've never disrespected a woman. Ever. And I don't intend to either.

I don't know what it is about Ember, but I just have that feeling that I should try for her. I'm just wondering if I should follow it.


Short chapter I know. I just want to thank you all for choosing my book as it is my first one, and updates are slow. You guys make me so happy!

The reason updates have been so slow is because my mental health hasn't been as good as it was when I started this book. I just haven't had the motivation to do any writing, + school is so stressful.

Please just be patient with me.

Stay safe and drink water 🫶🏾💕!!

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