Chapter 13: Nightmare

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I groaned, slowly returning to reality.

The ground underneath me was frosty, biting at my skin. It pushed me further till I was awake.

My head was pounding painfully and I tasted bile. Still I cracked my eyes open, meeting darkness. For a moment everything was blank confusion surging in me. I closed my eyes, fighting off the nausea and pain and tried to remember how I got here.

The recent memories flooded through my mind like a broken dam, and with them a chilling realisation. Fear gripped me as I remembered being attacked, the screaming, the struggle, and then…nothing.

Cold dread coursed through me as the pieces fell into place. I had been taken, abducted and brought to this place. 

Panic surged within me. I tried to move my hand but I soon realised both my wrists were bound tightly together.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the darkness till I could finally make out my surroundings.

The place was wide and empty . I could barely make sense of the echo surrounding the place, till I noticed that the walls looked metallic. I was in some sort of warehouse.

Looking up I froze, my stomach knotting in terror.

Large chains dangled ominously from the ceiling. 

My body grew colder as I tried to make sense of it all.

What on earth was going on? Why was I brought here? Who had kidnapped me?

I stilled as voices reached my ears. My eyes traced the door, hearing them outside the room. Though tense, I strained to listen.

"I really don't get her importance. She doesn't even seem notable to look at" a male voice said.

“She did look like good eye candy though. Especially when we knocked her out.” 

Faint snickers erupted while I let out a shuddered breath. They were talking about me.

“None of that matters.” A deep voice cut through the laughter, turning the place quite.

“It's what the boss wants. All we do is act.”

Boss? Which boss? Who had taken me here?

Another voice came out “But really, all this for this puny human? We're lucky to have invaded this Alpha's territory and it's all for this worthless meat bag!" 

"Hold your tongue, Finn." The deep voice responded, filled with authority and conviction. 

“There's no point in complaining.  you ever put into question the orders of our Alpha. Nor you or any of these humans have a right. Understand?” 

There was a tense silence, and I strained to catch any further details. 

‘Alpha?’ I had never heard such things before. Nothing made sense. And why did they call people humans?

What did any of this mean? Why was I brought here?

My heart skipped a beat as a pair of footsteps approached, growing louder.

Quickly my reflexes took over and I closed my eyes to feign sleep, forcing myself to relax. Silently I prayed that they wouldn't notice I was awake.

Metal creaking filled the air and I felt light through my eyelids. My heart rushed in my ears, but I remained still.

The footsteps grew closer until I felt the person near me. I could feel the man's gaze on me, even without opening my eyes.

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