Rewriting the Plot:

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The picture up there is me.

I just started this story to write out one scene and you guys are probably like,

'You already have a Fem-Harry Potter book. Just write it there.'

But I have the plot, the fancasts, the lore and the edits in my mind so I'm not wasting my weeks of daydreaming to only write one one-shot.

BTW, the scene is Harriet "Harry" James Potter beginning her murder era.

"When I burn this world to embers, and you paint me as the villain, remember, I really did try to be good... once."

― Amber V. Nicole, The Throne of Broken Gods

"Rin forced the last parts of what was human out of her soul and gave way to her hatred. Hating was so easy. It filled a hole inside her. It let her feel something again. It felt so good."

― R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War

These two quotes are what I'm basing this story on.


Insight: After the Golden Trio is taken to Malfoy Manor and tortured, and they escape due to Dobby, Harry just loses her sense of morality and starts to listen to the dark voice in her mind *COUGH* Tom Riddle *COUGH*and begins to slaughter everyone who gets in her path and makes it very clear that she's done being merciful with those who fight against her.



The Golden Trio consists of:

Harriet "Harry" James Potter (Black): The Girl Who Lived (Her middle name is still James because I have this headcanon that every child in the Potter Bloodline has their father's first name as their middle name)

Hermione "Mione" Jean (Dagworth) Granger: The Brightest Witch of Her Age

Veronica "Ron" Robertene (Prewett/Black) Weasley: I have three titles but I'm not sure which one I should go for: Queen of Chess, The Red Queen, Gryffindor's Dragon.

(If you want the reason for Ron's middle name, I explained in my Fem Ron Weasley's book 'Weasley is our Queen!)

The reason I added the Pureblood names in brackets is because there are pureblood families in all of them.

For the readers who are new to my stories, Welcome!

And a fun fact about me is that I like to go into the background of every character I write about and I love to make timelines.

Harry's father is James Fleamont Potter and her biological mother is Regina Alexia Black but the woman who raised her is Lillian "Lily" Jade Evans nee Mckinnon.


Like, Regina and James Potter slept with each other and Regina got pregnant so Regina kept her stomach under a disillusionment spell for months and then legged it in her last trimester.

And when she gave birth to Harriet, she told Kreacher to send her to Potter Manor where James and Sirius were.

But Albus found the child when Lily and Marlene went into hiding and James's body was just there, so he made up a whole story about how Harriet was Lily and James's daughter and no one refuted it cuz Harriet has black hair like James and green eyes like Lily.

BUT BUT, The green eyes weren't there when Harriet was born.

Harriet was born with grey eyes and when the Killing Curse rebounded from Lily, so her eyes changed from grey to green cuz of the Killing Curse.

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