chapter 8

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I can't shake the thoughts of her from my mind. It's crazy, but everything about her is just spot-on - that infectious smile, those mesmerizing brown eyes of hers, everything. All I've been doing is counting down the hours until I get to see her again tomorrow. 

Ever since I dropped her off, this silly goofy grin won't leave my face. When did i be like this? When did all of this start, but there's no denying it's real and that scares me.

I am not ready to be vulnerable to someone. Is she the light I never knew I was waiting for? Could she be the reason the office suddenly seems like the place to be at every day? I stuffed a piece of cake in my mouth. I need to burn these calories tomorrow. I wonder if she goes to the gym-

Shut up. I have been thinking a lot recently. I should go to sleep and take life as it comes at you.

* * *

Good morning me. Another day and Another day to be with Maya- what the hell was that affirmation? I am seriously going crazy. Shit. 7:40? I overslept and woke up with a dumb-as-hell affirmation. What a day already. God just get to the gym already. And Shut up. I got dressed and wore a black compressed shirt and grey sweatpants. I got in my car and drove to the gym.
Maya?  Wait she goes to the same gym as me? I mean I know I'm going to the gym after 3 months, but what the hell? Our eyes locked and all my mental awareness left my body. Her deep brown eyes locked into mine and I think I just died. Someone call an ambulance because if she keeps looking at me like that I will surely die from severe heart failure.

"Rayan?" She called out for me. To say she looked absolutely devourable in those yoga pants is literally an understatement.

"Maya. I didn't know you worked out here." I fidgeted with my hands because I was- nervous?

"Uh, I don't work out here." she paused, "I work out at my place, i just thought of coming here with my friend,"

"Haha, weird coincidence I guess" I smile awkwardly

"Hah yeah true" she said and smiled a beautiful smile and i nodded

"I'll see you at work?" she asked pulling me out of my thoughts,

"Oh yeah sure thing" Saying that she waved and I smiled back at her. She went right back to whatever she was doing.

And for the next thirty minutes, it was a series of me being impressed and astonished. I feel like I've been staring at her at least for 20 minutes out of the 30. I feel like a creepy old man staring at a beautiful young woman. I feel so predatory right now. I think I need to leave. What if she feels uncomfortable about me being here?

And not to forget she caught me staring. Again. And the count this time is even more embarrassing than last time.

This bench press is surely not pressing away my attraction towards her.

Ever since she has walked into my life, I feel threatened like in a good way and at the same time in a bad way as well. I think I'm going crazy. 

Hell. Think? I am going crazy. It's like she's twirled me around on her little finger. And I'm gonna let her do that. God, I need to get out of here. I walked out of the gym and sat in my car and drove to my apartment.

* * *


Weird. Everything is weird. Seeing him at the gym. Him fricking eyeing me like I'm the only girl in the entire world,  no more like I'm the only opposite-sex organism. The only female on earth. 

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