Chapter one: The cocky pirate

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A young black to blond hair female smiled and was walking in a town called firestone it was a peaceful town but now its overrun with pirates. "Hey give me my child back" spoke a young lady and the female looked over to see a black haired male trying to get the lady's baby and with the male was two females with blond hair and the female sighed and walked over and the two blond females notice and gasped. "Give her baby back hiroshi" spoke the female and the black haired male turned to the female and threw the baby up in the air and the baby started to cry. The female sighed and moved and spread white wings and flapped them going up to the sky and she caught the baby and moved down gently and slowly and the baby stopped crying and fell asleep.

The female handed the baby to the lady and moved and kicked hiroshi sending him flying right into a male with short spiky brown hair and he grabbed hiroshi and arrested him and the female nodded "vice admiral kagura great job and this should be the last of them" spoke the male and kagura sighed "thats good ryuji take them to marineford so he can be judge i'm going to help around here and when i'm done i'll head to marineford" spoke kagura and ryuji nodded and kagura looked at the lady "are you okay ma'am" asked kagura and the lady smiled and nodded "yeah I am thank you young lady" spoke the lady and kagura smiled slightly and helped the lady to her home with her child.

Kagura sighed and walked around the town and helped a kid get their cat from the tree and gave it to the kid. Kagura sighed and spread her wings and flew up to the sky and then felt a sudden pain and landed and the civilians notice and looked at her "are you okay ma'am" spoke a male and kagura nodded "i'm fine" spoke kagura and she looked at her shoulder and notice the blood and she moved her marine coat and saw the wound and remembered she had just got into a fight before coming to this island. She sighed and spread her wings and flew off and started flying north towards marineford as she flew she felt the breeze and she smiled and enjoyed being in the sky. As Kagura continued her flight towards Marineford, she couldn't help but feel the exhilaration of the wind against her face. The pain in her shoulder served as a reminder of the recent battle she had engaged in, but it didn't dampen her spirit.

Meanwhile, in a nearby sea, a notorious pirate ship sailed through the waves. On deck, a cocky and flamboyant pirate named Captain Ryo strutted, his vibrant attire catching the attention of his crew. With his silver hair and mischievous grin, he exuded an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. "Ahoy, me hearties! It seems we've stumbled upon an uninhabited island ripe for the taking," Captain Ryo declared, his voice filled with excitement. "Let's see what treasures await us!" As the pirates disembarked onto the island, they began exploring its surroundings, searching for hidden riches. Unbeknownst to them, Kagura had noticed their arrival during her flight and decided to observe their actions from a distance. Captain Ryo, sensing a presence, turned his head and spotted Kagura perched on a nearby cliff, her white wings glistening in the sunlight. A smirk formed on his face as he approached her with swagger.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little birdie watching us?" Captain Ryo taunted, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Are you the welcoming committee, love?" Kagura regarded the cocky pirate with a mix of amusement and caution. "I'm no welcoming committee, pirate. I'm a Marine Vice Admiral, Kagura Whitebeard. And I'm here to ensure that justice prevails." Captain Ryo's smirk widened, seemingly unfazed by Kagura's position. "Ah, a Vice Admiral, you say? Well, aren't you a feisty little thing. But I'm afraid justice is not high on my list of priorities. I'm here for adventure and treasure!"

Kagura's eyes narrowed, her wings instinctively spreading wider behind her. "If you're here to cause trouble, then you'll find that I won't be so easily swayed. The Marines will bring you to justice, whether you like it or not." Captain Ryo chuckled, his bravado undeterred. "Well, Vice Admiral Kagura, let's see if you can back up those words. Prepare to witness the might of Captain Ryo and his crew!" With that, the confrontation between Kagura and Captain Ryo began. Their clash of wills and power would test both their strengths and determination, leaving a mark on the island and shaping their destinies. Kagura looked at the pirate and sighed and she dove down and kicked the pirate and ryo caught himself and pulled out a sword and kagura smiled and pulled out a bow that was made with lightweight materials and has seastone shards infused with it and she pulled a arrow with a purple tip and she pulled it back and shot the arrow.

The arrow flew through the air and hit ryo on his left leg and he collapse from searing pains and kagura sighed and landed and ryo first mate was worried and ran up to the captain "no this has never happened before he was defeated" spoke the first mate and kagura sighed and called marineford and waited for someone to pick up the transponder snail and it was soon picked up. "H-ey" came the voice from the other end and kagura sighed and smiled "hey admiral kizuna this is kagura and I need some marines to grabbed captain ryo and his crew and he needs medical assists I was flying back to marineford I don't have my boat" spoke kagura and the voice from the other end went quiet "alright I'll get marines there as soon as possible" spoke kizuna and kagura smiled and kizuna hung up and kagura looked at the pirate crew try to deal with the injured pirate captain. 

Kagura tucked her wings in and sat down and waited and a few minutes later the doctor of ryo's crew was surprised at something "he has been poisoned" spoke the doctor and the crew tried to find the antidote. A few hours later, marines ran and found them and the pirate crew notice the marines and kagura stood up and instructed them to get them in custody and the marines nodded and the medical help moved to ryo and dealt with the wound and poison. 

The Marines swiftly took control of the situation, apprehending Captain Ryo and his crew. Kagura watched as they were escorted to a nearby marine ship, where they would be transported to Marineford for judgment. Satisfied that justice was being served, Kagura spread her wings once again and took to the sky, soaring towards Marineford.

As she flew, the wind whipped through Kagura's hair, carrying with it a mix of exhilaration and weariness. Her encounter with Captain Ryo had reminded her of the constant challenges she faced as a Marine and the responsibility she bore. The sky, her sanctuary, provided a brief respite from the complexities of her role.

As Marineford came into view, Kagura descended gracefully, her wings folding behind her. She landed near the bustling Marine base, surrounded by fellow Marines going about their duties. She made her way towards the command center, where she would report her recent mission and the capture of Captain Ryo.

Inside the command center, Vice Admiral Kizuna awaited Kagura's arrival. Kizuna was a seasoned and respected Marine officer, known for her strategic prowess and unwavering dedication to justice. As Kagura entered, Kizuna looked up from her paperwork, a sense of curiosity in her eyes.

"Vice Admiral Kagura, I received the report about Captain Ryo's capture. Well done," Kizuna commended, her voice firm yet approving. "Your swift actions have prevented further chaos and ensured the safety of innocent lives. How did the encounter unfold?"

Kagura recounted the events in detail, from the initial confrontation to the poisoning of Captain Ryo and the subsequent apprehension of his crew. She emphasized the importance of justice and the need to maintain order in the face of piracy.

Kizuna nodded, her expression grave but thoughtful. "Your actions reflect the ideal of the Marines, Kagura. We are protectors of peace and guardians against those who disrupt it. Captain Ryo and his crew will face the consequences for their actions, and justice will prevail."

Kagura nodded in agreement, her gaze determined. "Yes, Admiral Kizuna. I will stand by my actions and ensure that justice is served. But beyond that, I hope that this incident serves as a reminder to others that the seas must be governed by law and order."

Kizuna smiled, a mix of respect and warmth in her eyes. "You possess a strong sense of justice, Kagura, and a genuine desire to make a difference. Remember to take care of yourself as well. The path of a Vice Admiral can be arduous, but we must endure for the greater good."

With their conversation concluded, Kagura saluted Kizuna and turned to leave the command center. She knew there were still challenges ahead, but she was ready to face them head-on. As she stepped back outside, she smiled and walked to the mess hall and sat down at a table and smiled and she then felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked to see a marine with dark skin and black hair and a sleeping mask and she sighed "hey admiral aokiji" spoke kagura and the marine smiled "hey vice admiral kagura back from your mission already as beautiful as when you left" spoke aokiji and kagura smiled "so do you need something" asked kagura and other marines walked in and notice this and the other two admirals came in and walked over "ahh not really just wondering if you will go have lunch with me" spoke aokiji and kagura smiled and nodded no and aokiji sighed.

"Aokiji stop that" spoke a black haired male and they looked behind him and kagura sighed and smiled "hey akainu" spoke kagura and the black male waved a hand at her and smiled a bit and kizuna sighed and aokiji looked at kagura "one day i'll get you to say yes to me" spoke aokiji and sat down and kizuna sat next to her and smiled and akainu sat down and they had a conversation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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