Universe 2 - Pain In The Stomach

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As Miri, who was still sitting on the floor, crouching down because of the pain in her stomach her best friend, Iseul walked up to Seyoung and let her hand take charge, as a harsh slap landed on Seyoung's cheek.

Seyoung's face tilted to the side.

Iseul asked, "How dare you just slap her without justifying any cause? Who do you think you are? You think your some VIP, don't you?"

Seyoung turned her face to the front in embarrassment as her eyes were glistening with tears, which were only threatening to fall down any second. Miri tried to find strength in her arms as Sejin and Minhye rushed over to help her stand up. With the support of Sejin and Minhye she was able to get up, however with a lot of pain.

Minhye spoke, "I'm gonna take her to the infirmary. Sejin will stay with you."

Iseul nodded as Sejin walked up to stand next to her. Meanwhile, Minhye rushed Miri to the infirmary.

Seyoung screamed, "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING DO YOU?"


Seyoung's tears fell down like a waterfall, rushing down her cheeks to her neck. Iseul's eyes softened, if the school's bully was crying then, there was nothing left to be upset about. Seyoung had always been tough about her surroundings, never ever giving down to even let a tear drop or show in her eyes. If at this point, she was seen crying, everyone knew she was truly affected.

Iseul put her arm around Seyoung and walked her to an empty classroom, along with Sejin following them.

Seyoung's POV

2:05 p.m.

Campus Grounds

My tears couldn't stop rolling down, and it was embarrassing, everyone knew me as the toughest girl. I felt weak. I felt miserable. My stomach continued to twist and turn.

I felt a sense of comfort rushing down my veins as Iseul placed her arm around me. She was someone I wanted to be friends with, but I guess we just didn't get off to the right start. We walked together until she led me into an empty classroom and we sat down on the bench.

She talked first, "So, what happened? Why are you so upset?"

I sniffled and tried to talk, "I-I, th-the thing is... My b-boyfriend ch-cheated on me, w-with M-m-miri...." I broke down crying again with a loud whine.

Iseul's POV

2:10 p.m.

Campus Grounds

Wow. Her boyfriend CHEATED on her... That was truly unexpected, but why would Miri do that? Out of all the people...

I asked Seyoung, "Who's your boyfriend?"

She had her head down as tears continued to slide down her face. She was definitely hurt. I could genuinely feel it from her.

She responded, "J-jeon Jungkook..."

Jeon Jungkook.

That's it my heart dropped hearing that name. My best friend betrayed me? She knew I loved him. She knew all along that I loved him since our childhood. After all, we attended the same elementary school, middle school, and high school. However, never in my life did I believe he would love me back but all of a sudden, my best friend, Miri, the one who had supported me throughout all of my decisions stole Seyoung's supposedly boyfriend and my crush? It was unbelievable.

What proof was there that he actually cheated on her? Why would Miri be involved in this? Has Miri been lying to me the whole time? Was she faking all of the things he said about me? Why was Miri holding her stomach earlier? Did Jungkook do something to her? Are either of them being forced?

All of these different questions filled my mind. I sat there blankly on the bench and stared off. I was confused. I clearly was. Everything turned upside down out of nowhere. Everything that happened in the past started flashing in front of my eyes one by one.....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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