End Game- Illustrious

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Genevieve's pov: Monday

I'm sitting in the polished and pristine school gymnasium in the front row with my friends, little dots in the large crowd that is the student body.

Valentine is front and center on the stage that's been erected for today's assembly, and the media students zoom in on his face, which shows up on the big screen.

I can quite literally hear people swooning at the sight of him.

To be fair, he does look especially good today. His skin is smooth as glass like always, he's freshly shaved, and his hair is ruffled just so. He smiles and winks at the camera, showing his perfect straight and white teeth.

Okay I'm starting to understand why one of the sophomore girls in the row to the left of mine is hyperventilating.

"Hello fellow students! If you don't already know me, my name is Valentine Scott, and today is a very special day! The Senior Send Off!" He says into the microphone he's holding.

The gym thunders with cheers and stomps and Melody rolls her eyes.

"Why are they this excited? Most of them don't even get to go on the trip." She says, as she returns to her texting.

I try to get a glimpse at whose she's texting and she covers her screen, making a face at me.

"Mystery boy again?" I say and she nods, a flush spreading across her cheeks.

"As a senior myself, I can't even express how much I've been looking forward to this day. I will miss seing you all in these halls, but I think I speak for all of us seniors when I say I can't wait to leave!" Valentine says on the stage.

Laughter and applause.

The shuttle busses that will be taking us into the city and to the airport are already packed with everyone's luggage, and all of us are dressed in our casual travelling clothes.

Melody is wearing a pink Stüssy hoodie and black sweatpants with her AF1s, and her hair is in a slicked back bun.

I'm wearing one of Valentine's vintage band t-shirts with sweats and black converse. I washed and blow dried my hair yesterday so it hangs loose past my shoulders.

Delia sits next to us, despite everything. Melody has decided she doesn't hate her, for whatever reason, even though she kissed Quinn.

I guess she's trying to be the bigger person.

I'm not.

I can barely conceal my dislike for her. Especially now that I know that she's always kind of had a thing for my boyfriend.

Josephine may be kind of mean and hella manipulative, but at least she doesn't like Valentine like that.

Delia has her hair in a ponytail and is wearing a green tank top with spaghetti straps and baggy sweatpants. Waist beads in different colors are around her waist and small gold bangles are on either of her wrists.

"Before we say goodbye to the class of 2024, let's announce this years superlatives for the senior class!" Valentine says, opening an envelope.

"First of all, most likely to win a grammy, we have Pearl Smith!"

Everyone claps politely.

He says a couple more names then he pauses.

"Best couple goes to Genevieve Beckham and your's truly!" He says and everyone swoons when he points me out in the crowd and blows me a kiss. I roll my eyes and smile, blushing to the roots of my hair.

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