Into Our Mind

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A battle was being held in a deleting AU. All the others had left, but Error, Ink, Pixel, and Fresh were still fighting. Ink was flinging a paint that covered them all. Then, the AU glitched and it all went black.

"Uh, where are we?" Asked Pixel as she woke up. She saw the others and they were in a black room. "I dunno brah." Said Fresh. "What did you guys do?" Asked Ink. "Ink, you were the one who wasn't letting us leave." Said Pixel. "I'm going to check the codes." Said Error. "Well, I wasn't the one who was deleting the AU." Huffed Ink. "Brah, Error brah has to for the totally unrad balance." Said Fresh. "What?" Asked Ink. "Translation, Error has to destroy to keep the balance." Said Pixel. "We can explain later. The paint combined with the glitching caused us to merge. This place is called the mindscape. We merged, but none of us are the main body. A Undertale copy sans is. We are basically just multiple personalities. He's the main one." Said Error. "So we're stuck in here?" Asked Ink. "Sort of. If we have enough will power we can take control. The thing is, the balance is unstable. Copy AUs will collide. Originals will be safe thanks to a system I set up. Luckily only about 50 AUs will collapse. This AU, though, is a copy. It's at risk. If our body dies, we all die. We need to make this AU an original to avoid deletion or Nightmare and the gang attacking." Said Error. "What do you mean become an original AU?" Asked Ink. "AUs like dusttale, killertale, and HorrorTale were just originally copies. They diverged enough from the story and became originals." Explained Error. "So brah, how are we going to make this AU original?" Asked Fresh. "First we should try to communicate with the sans who's the main personality. Do you know how Error?" Asked Pixel. "Yes. We can pull him into the mindscape when he falls asleep. Another thing is, some of the sans, Papyrus's, and possibly some others have a chance of becoming personalities when their AUs are destroyed." Explained Error.

They waited for the Sans to fall asleep. They also explained the balance to Ink. Then, finally the sans fell asleep. They yanked him into the mindscape. "Heya brah," greeted Fresh. "What!" Exclaimed Sans. "Hi!" Greeted Pixel. "Hello!" Said Ink. "Hey," said Error. It took a bit, but they managed to explain. "So, you guys are the creator, the destroyer, a parasite, and a glitch and now you're my other personalities?" Asked Sans. "Yep," said Pixel, popping the p. "We need to change the AU some. Us being multiple personalities could help. Plus, we could bring back Gaster possibly and change some stuff." Said Error. "You could bring back my dad?" Asked Sans excited. "Possibly brah." Said Fresh. "We can try Sansy." Said Pixel.

"Sansy?" Asked Ink. "He's going to need a nickname. We should probably also get nicknames. It would be hard to explain to anyone our situation." Said Pixel. They all agreed on that. Fresh was called Party, Ink was Acrylic, Error was Puppet, and Pixel was Kaleidoscope, Kalei for short. "Kaleidoscope? Really?" Asked Sans who was nicknamed Sansy(reference to the bitty type, he's a little short). "Hey, I like it." Said Kalei. They decided they would try out different fighting styles, practice control, and attempt to bring back Gaster in secret.

They discovered that depending on who was in control they looked different. They could do something called pretending, where only their eye lights changed or they could just take control. When Puppet took control, he had mismatched eye lights and blue tears. One blue with a yellow ring, the other was blue and red. When Acrylic took control, he had changing eye lights like the ones he had as ink. He also had a couple blue spots on his bones that resembled ink. When Party took control, he had one normal eye light and the other looked like a cracked monster soul. He also was a bit taller. When Pixel took control, they had purple and blue ecto hair, mismatched blue, purple, and teal eye lights, and purple tear marks.

They hadn't told Papyrus and it was hard to hide. He lived with them and they couldn't always fully control who was in control. Normally it was Sansy unless some stole or was given control, but in some situations, one of the others was forced to control.

"Guys, he has obviously noticed the changing eye lights. One reset he even caught me in full control, not pretending." Said Kalei. "He'll just forget next reset, it's like telling Acrylic something." Said Sans. "Hey!" Said Acrylic. "Acrylic has gotten better at remembering." Said Puppet. "Sometimes things can be remembered through resets. We can also ask Puppet to alter codes so he remembers. If he doesn't take it well, we just let him forget after the reset." Said Kalei. "I think it's a good idea, brah." Said Party. "It would be better not to have to hide it. It wasn't great when I was forced into control in the middle of a conversation between Sansy and Papyrus." Said Puppet. "Alright, we can tell him." Said Sansy.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. This is not accurate to actual multiple personalities. Also, they have the ability to change the mindscape. Each has their own area. Acrylic has a colorful room with art stuff, Puppet has a place similar to Outertale with Undernovela available on a portal, Party has a place similar to AUs infected by Fresh, and Kalei has a void with floating islands and stars.

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