5. sʜᴀᴅʏ

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As Claire and I sit at the booth, picking our food, the vibe in the diner begins to change. The low hum of conversations take a momentary pause as the door swings open.

The guy I've been dying to see again, walks in a perfectly tailored suit, Exuding an air of confidence that commands attention.

Me and Claire exchange glances. Asheville is known for its eclectic mix of people, but a sharply dressed individual in a suit is a bit out of the ordinary for this laid back- scene.

"Is tha—" I cut Claire off.

"Uhu." Is all that comes out of my mouth as my fingers trace patterns on the worn tabletop, stealing glances at him.

The green eyed man. I kinda had a feeling he'd be here tonight that's why I begged Claire to come. We normally come here only on Sundays. We don't have any business being here on a Friday night.

He's at the counter, talking to the waitresses.

"C'mon, you have to go talk to him," Claire urges, nudging me playfully. But fear grips me, paralyzing my every move. What if he doesn't remember me? What if I embarrass myself?

Do men like it when girls make the first move? I don't think so— and lord I refuse getting rejected. That's just a no. But what if I don't ever see him again, he does not look like a typical Asheville civilian.

"Just go. You've been staring at him for over ten minutes now."

As I wrestle with my insecurities, I notice the waitress approaching him, a flirtatious smile gracing her lips. A pang of jealousy shoots through me, and something inside me stirs.

"You better go there before that bitch snatches him from you. Look at her all smiling and shit."

Summoning all my courage, I push myself up from the booth and make my way to the counter. Each step feels like an eternity, my heart pounding in my chest. The noise of the restaurant fades into the background as my focus narrows solely on him.

I hesitate for a moment, glancing at the worn, faux-leather stools. Is this the right decision? The answer doesn't matter; I've come too far to back down.

I take a deep breath, my voice steady but laced with nervousness. "Excuse me," I say, "Mind if I sit here?" I gesture to the stool next to him.

He doesn't respond, he doesn't even glance in my direction. Is he deaf, or is he just that good at ignoring people?

I glance at the waitress behind the counter, a beautiful young woman but with a hairdo that's seen better days.
A smirk etches across her stupid face. She arches an eyebrow at me, a silent mockery that ignites a spark of defiance within.

"Aren't we eager? Just find another spot, honey. That one's taken" She says with a sugary-sweet smile.

I roll my eyes, I didn't come here for a battle, but I won't let a bitch belittle me either. "Well, honey, maybe you should go do your job right and get my friend that mango smoothie she ordered fifteen minutes ago. Thank you." I retort, matching her false sweetness with a touch of venom.

She scowls and mutters something under her breath as she retreats to the smoothie maker. Take that, you little bitch."

Turning my attention back to him, I decide to take matters into my own hands. I pull out the stool next to him and sit down, my eyes fixed on his profile. Still he doesn't acknowledge me. Is this guy for real?

He's got this rigged handsomeness about him, a charm that I can't quite put my finger on. His blond hair cut into a buzz cut that adds a mysterious edge to his appearance.

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