Chapter 6

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Harry's curled up in Aubrey's bed a couple days of silence later when Louis walks in looking sheepish.

"They tell me your my boyfriend' Louis says looking down at harry, who was lying on his side, his newly bubble wrapped injury preventing cast wrapped smugly around his tail, which rested on his hip, his arms curled around a pillow under his head.

"So why can't i remember you?" Louis asks

"You fell and you hit your head pretty hard" Harry says pushing himself up into a sitting position, his legs crossed beneath him. "I-i have a couple pictures if you wanna see them" He says and louis nods coming and sitting gingerly on the bed.

"Here" harry said passing his phone to louis who began to scroll through them, ending on the one they took in the car, Louis lips pressed to harrys cheek, which was bright pink. Both of them had happy smiles on their faces and a small tear fell from harry's eye as he watched the pictures go by.

"We only recently got together, i-i finally got up the nerve and kissed you a few weeks ago" Louis looks up to harry, his eyes filled with tears

"Harry, i've been awful to you haven't i?" He says and Harry sits up on the bed taller and grabs louis by his shoulders

"Wait you remember?" Harry asks and louis looks at his lap and nods, wiping his eyes with one hand.

"Guys..." harry yells out carefully, as if louis would shatter if he spoke normally

Everyone came quickly into the room and when Niall seen louis sitting there, he stalked over and yanked louis by the arm

"No! Niall No! He remembers! He remembers!" Harry yells and everyone falls silent, eyes going to louis.

"you remember?" Liam asks "So you know you deserve a punch straight to the face"

"I feel like I've already been given once" louis says flexing his jaw

"'ve got me to thank for that" Aubrey says

"Did you seriously punch me?" Louis asks

"Knocked you out cold" she confirms

"What for?" louis asks

"You were throwing silverware at harry, forks, spoons, knives the lot"

"Jesus....." Louis says "did i hit you" louis asks grabbing harry's wrists

"yeah" harry says "One of the knives nearly hit me and a spoon has my hand bruised" Louis groans then notices harry tail is all wrapped up 

"I did that too didn't I" Louis says

"You stepped on it" harry says "I had to go to the vet, no other choice and they say its fractured thats why i have this fancy ass cast on" Harry says and Louis turns to Aubrey

"I really deserved that punch too didn't i?" Louis says shaking his head

"Liam was ready to limb you, like literally tear you limb from limb, we had to bodily restrain him a few times" Niall supplies "he did get one good kick in though" he says pointing to louis side. Louis pulls his shirt up and studies the bruise Liam left

"Thanks" Louis says at liam, and he means it.

"Anytime mate" Liam says patting louis shoulder before standing and walking out, everyone following behind him, leaving harry and louis alone.

"C-can i kiss you?" Louis asks and harry nods, leaning in and closing his eyes and louis meets him halfway in a soft chaste kiss that sent a shiver down harry's spine.

"How do you still want anything to do with me" louis says leaning back

"It would be more painful to lose you then anything you could ever put me though" Harry says and louis sighs

"Well, id have to agree with you on that, even if we weren't dating losing you would absolutely crush me" Louis says


They're sitting on the couch watching the Cutthroat Kitchen when louis speaks

"Hey, do you still want to go watch a movie with me, id understand if you wouldn't but it-" Harry cuts him off with a kiss

"Of course I still wanna take you on a date" Harry says and he stands extending a hand down to louis, pulling him to his feet and they walk hand in hand to the door. Harry walks around the passengers side of the car, opening the door and bows slightly

"After you my fine sir" But louis gets a devilish look in his eyes and bolts for the drivers side and harry only gets there first by diving through the car. He opens the door and stands there smugly

"Well if i can't drive can I at least have a kiss?" Louis asks and harry sighs

"Whatever loser" before he smiles and pulls louis in and then Louis kissing him senseless and he losing breath and before he knows it he's leaned against the side of the car, Louis in the drivers seat laughing at the expression on his face. Harry pouts and walks around to the other side of the car climbing in and siting with his arms crossed. Louis reaches over to the ignition fumbling for the keys before coming back empty. He looks at harry with with a pouty lip making his eyes all wide and doe like.

"You forgot the key didn't you?" Harry asks and louis nods "And you want me to get it?" harry confirms '

"Pretty please" Louis ask batting his eyelashes and harry groans getting out of the car and walking back into the house. On his way back out he swears he sees something moving in the shadows. Before he can get back into the car another car, black with tinted windows roars into the driveway and people with guns lean out the windows, harry bolts for the house, and louis takes cover in the car. Harry reaches the house and runs down the hall, bursting into Aubrey's room

"They're here, quickly we need to run" He says and tows her across the hall and into his and louis room, leaping out onto the roof and changing, the red fox following close behind. They scale the back of the roof and leapt to the ground, running into the cellar of the house. The door shuts loudly behind them and harry mentally curses. He can see in the dark, and he hopes Aubrey can too as he runs to the side miaowing softly for her to follow and darts into a pipe that leaves the basement and goes underground a ways before branching off slightly to the side. Harry runs down it, Aubrey following and they turn the corner just as light floods into the cellar. Footsteps sound and harry presses in front of aubrey, pushing her back as far as possible so none of her bright orange fur would be visible. Light floods into the pipe and harry presses back harder, sending Aubrey back onto her hind legs, her tail trapped between the next to harry's, her front paws on his back as her head brushed the ceiling. Then the light recedes and a voice sounds

"I though you said he was here? That they were here!" It yells and harry begins to shiver. Aubrey tucks him between her front legs, the rest of him resting under her, his back end between her front leg and her back leg as he pressed close to the ground, her crouching over him, both on alert for any noise that would indicate trouble. Then the sound of tires crunching on gravel sound and harry can hear the sound of a car backing out of the drive.

"Harry!" Louis calls out desperately "Harry please" Louis says and harry looks up at Aubrey who shakes her head, she must be thinking the same as him

This may be a trap.

They wait for a few minutes, a few long minutes of louis calling out desperately and the rest of the boys calling out for both of them before they slowly made they're way back around the house just as louis was collapsing to the ground in desperation. Harry ran up to him, leaping into his arms and changing as soon as he hit his chest, pulling him into a huge hug, making louis cry with happiness, hugging harry so tightly nobody would ever be able to tear them apart, even if they tried 

Captured (Larry hybrid AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя